With Britt pressed up against my shoulder, and her bag over my shoulder, we walked down to the restroom. It was our last rest stop before we reached our destination.
The GPS said 8 hours and 8 minutes till we were to our new home. We're about 20 miles till we were there. Me and my uncle swapped spots so he could get some sleep. It's early in the morning, and the sun was up in the sky, shining brightly.
Lady's shot me weird looks. Looks filled with shame. Keeping my head held high and ignoring them I walked straight past them.
I entered the restroom and placed Britt on the counter while I washed my hands. "Hey beautiful. You ready to go to our new home?" I asked at she smiled up at me.
A lady came out of one of the stalls. She looked at me than to Britt. After a second, she walked to the sinks. As she washed her hands, she stared at me.
I tried to ignore her. But I couldn't, "You wanna say something?" I asked looking at her. She looked at me then to her hands. "Didn't think so." I say picking her up.
We enter a stall and place Britt on the changing station. Quickly, I changed her diaper and her clothes. After strapping her in, so she doesn't fall, while I used the restroom.
I was done and picked Britt up, as we went out to wash my hands again.
Yawning, I walked out and went to these concrete picnic tables that sat by a large stretch of green grass. I sat down next to Matt, and my uncle was sitting across from me. Britt leaned against my stomach while I bounced her on my knee.
"H-Hey, Tru. W-Where is m-mom-mommy?" Matt asked. He stutters because he has seizures, and he has brain damage.
"Mommy is staying at home. You're gonna come live with me. Is that okay?" I ask him. He smiles and nods.
"Y-Yea. I-I-I can't w-wait to get t-to our new h-home. B-b-but will I s-still get to t-talk to my other s-sisters and mommy and d-daddy?" He asks leaning up on the table.
"Of course handsome. Now on to more important things. Are you hungry?" He nods viscously and smiles. I smile.
"Hey I can take Britt." My uncle speaks up.
"No it's okay, I got her." I say smiling to him.
"Can I at least go and get the food?" He asks.
"You don't have to." I say getting up.
"Sit your ass down, I got it." He says getting up.
"C-Can we go a-and P-play?" Matt asks. Smiling, I nod.
I put Britt on my hip and we get up. We walk out to the grassed area. "Matt, run from the tree, all the way to over here. Okay?" He nods. "Ready. Set. Go!" He dashes off.
I lift Britt up to face me. I take off her socks and shoes. I bend over and place her feet on the grass. Her hands clasp my fingers. Looking over her, I see her toes curl and uncurl. I lift her hand and the right and I help her take a step.
She giggles. I help her take another step. Suddenly, Matt comes up to us, breathing heavy. He sits on the ground.
Suddenly, I feel a pair of eyes on me. Shifting uncomfortably, I help her walk again. My uncle yells for us. I swing Britt up and place her on my hip.
Together, we go over and eat.
"Take a left." My uncle says.
"The GPS says right, though." I respond.
"The GPS is wrong! Left!" Getting slightly upset. Everyone in my family can get mad in the split of a second.
"The GPS says right!" I tell back.
We near the stop sign, "Damn it. FINE! But if it's not there you're giving me 20 bucks!"
I turned left. The GPS informed us about rerouting. I drive but there's no house. I pull over, put the car I park and look at him. Sighing, he gets 20 dollars out of his back pocket and hands it to me.
Without a word, I follow the instructions of the GPS and get where were supposed to be. There was a large house. It was white with a black door. There was a porch with a roof above, a swing, two metal benches. One under a window farthest away from us, and one across from it. A table between the two benches. There was a railing all around the porch. On the wooden door.
This was my Aunt's fiance's old house, that he still owned.
Stupid right?
Anyways, its three bad two bath and is fully furnished.
"Well, let's do this I guess." I mumbled. Turning my keys out of the ignition, I get out, and my Uncle does the same. I unbuckle Brit and grab her bag. She looks up at me. "Hey beautiful." I say.
My Uncle and Matt are up the steps on the porch. Mike is carrying the bag. We make our way up. I unlock the door. There's a flat screen to the left on top of a wooden cabinet-looking-thing. It had doors on the bottom. Then a hallway down that way. Straight ahead was an archway that lead to a large kitchen. To the right was an "L" shaped couch in the corner, a large coffee table, and a small side table that sat right up against the end closest to me.
Also to the right was a stair case. I threw the bag down and headed to the hallway. I heard Matthew comment that he liked the house so far. It was a short hallway with two doors on the left and one on the right.
The one on the right was a large storage room with extra things. The two doors on the left were a bedroom and bathroom.
"Bed and bath," I said, emerging from the hallway, "you want?" Asking Mike.
"Sure. I'll unload the car." He said before turning around. I nodded. The door shut and he was gone.
"Come on Matt. Let's go find our rooms." I said. He yelled a yay, and ran up the stairs. With Britt on my hip, we followed after. Up there was a long hall. There was a window at the end. A door at the end on the right and another, on the same side, further towards me.
On the left, there was a door in the middle.
The first door on the right was a bathroom. There was a stool, so they must have had kids. The next door on the right was a small bedroom with a single bed, a small TV, a dresser, and a book shelf.
Matthew ran in and jumped on the bed. "Mine!" He yelled. I chuckle.
"Come on bub," I say. He nods and follows me. We make our was to the other bedroom. It was a master. It had a king sized bed to the right, tv to the left, a balcony straight ahead, and two doors. One door on the right led to an empty walk in closet. To the left, was a huge bathroom.
It was a double vanity, a huge shower, with glass all around it, that could fit a baseball team. Then a tub straight ahead, a storage closet to the left, a toilet to the right. The bathroom was weird because it felt like it had a bathroom inside a bathroom, seeing a the toilet has a room of its own in the bathroom.
Walking out, I lay Britt on the bed. Sitting next to her, I take my shoes off. Matt hopped up on the bed. I lay back on the pillows. I take Britt and place her in my arms. Matt lays in front of me.
Closing my eyes, I let darkness consume me and I drift into peaceful bliss.
Or at least I thought it would be peaceful.
Thanks for reading another chapter!
It will get better.
Check out my other story, The Town With All The Secrets.

The Possessive Gang Leaders Princess
RomanceI sit down on my bike looking around the school parking lot. Listening to music, I stand up begin to walk through the student-less parking lot. Honestly, it's not like I meant to be late. My music cut out causing me to hear a whistle. I stop in my...