The story ILYTMNT created here was a sequel to another story she made. It involved the girl wearing black in the center (goes by the name Layla Nyx) kidnapping plus taking Kai's identity to get close to the Turtles. She's a shapeshifter, captured plus experimemted on by the Kraang. She soon worked for Shredder, but when Layla failed at the end, she was sent back to Dimension X. In the sequel, Layla ends up finding Canandra (evil clone of Dana created by Stockman, sent to destroy the Turtles but failed, and ended up the same fate as Layla) and together, they managed to escape Dimension X. Now back in New York, the two evil best friends came up with a plan to not only get revenge on the Turtles, Dana, and Kaira, but also Shredder and Splinter. Their plan is actually like the TMNT episode "The Fourfold Trap" but instead of Karai doing all of this, it's them. Not to mention Kai and Dana are in it. For Kai, she ends up in a trap called 'The Chamber of Confidence" where she must face her deepest fear in a walled room: spiders. As for Dana, she gets stuck in a room called "The Frozen Heart". This trap plus name was Canandra's idea because she believes that deep inside Dana is cold hearted. And the cold trap was a reminder of the day Dana was never around to help the Turtle she loved when he needed her most: Leonardo being badly hurt during the Season 2 finale. She blamed herself, stopped training and shut everyone out, around the time they were recovering at the old farmhouse plus waiting for Leo to wake up. When he finally did, Dana was afraid that Leo would be mad at her for not helping him. Turns out, he wasn't. He was only happy to see that Dana was safe. From there, Dana got her mojo back and spent the rest of her stay to help Leo get his. Anyway, in the end, the Turtles, Kai, and Dana figured out how to escape their traps, defeated Layla and Canandra, and all lived happily ever after. That would have been a great story for you guys to read. Unfortunately, the boards we use to write stories in was cancelled. Along with our only way to communicate with each other. To this day, ILYTMNT will always be a true friend, just like our characters.
My Drawing/Art Gallery
LosoweHey, everyone. I'm Redbat142. This isn't really a fan fiction story. These are just a bunch of designs I like to share. I still feel new doing this. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy them. And hope this works, because this is my first time posting here.