Jay X Princess Reader

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This was requested by eeveelution_trainer! Thanks for the request~


You were at your locker putting your books away, and getting the books you needed for the next class. You felt a pair of eyes watching you, so you turned around to see one of the boys from the Isle. You gave him a smile and turned back around to your locker. 

Jay's POV

I was talking with Ben about something he wanted to get Mal. He may be her boyfriend, but he'll never know her as good as me, Evie, and Carlos do. 

"Do you think she'll like it?" He asked. 

I nodded. "Yeah."

Then a girl walked up to her locker and opened it. She had beautiful H/c hair, and her skin was S/c. She was stunning. 

"Woah. . ." I said. "Who is that?" I asked Ben, not taking my eyes off the girl. 

"Oh you mean Y/n? She's the daughter of (Disney Movie Girl.)"  He said. 

"Y/n huh? She's gorgeous." I said. 

He chuckled and nodded. 

"She single?"

Ben thought for a moment. "As far as I know she is."  

She turned around briefly to look over at me and Ben. Her and I caught eyes for a moment. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of (Color.) She gave me a small, yet soft smile before she turned back to her locker. I blushed just the tiniest bit. 

"I have to go. Good luck with Y/n." Ben said and put his hand on my shoulder before walking away. 

I sighed and walked over to Y/n.

Your POV

I closed my locker once I got the books I needed. When I turned to walk away, the boy from before was beside my locker. I jumped and almost dropped my books. 

"Sorry, I uh, didn't mean to scare you." He said and laughed slightly.

"Oh um, it's fine." I said and put a piece of my H/c hair behind my ear. "Jay right?" 

He nodded. "Yeah, and you're Y/n?" 

I nodded. "The one and only." I giggled. 

I saw his cheeks turn pink slightly and laughed a little more. 

He coughed a little and tried to gain his composure back. "Anyway, where's your next class?" He asked me. 

"Oh, it's (Random Class.)" I said. 

"Okay, mind if I walk you?" He asked. 

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah I would love that." 

He smiled back and I held my books to my chest as we started walking. We laughed and talked on the way there. I was kind of sad when we got to my class. 

"Well this is it." I said a little sad. 

He nodded. "Hey, would you want to hang out sometime?" 

I giggled. "Are you asking me out Jay?"

"Maybe." He said and chuckled. 

I laughed with him and leaned up on my tip-toes to him him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I would love to go out with you Jay."

"Great." He smiled and kissed the top of my head. 

"I'll see you later." He said and started walking down the halls. 

"Yeah." I said as I watched him walk away. 

I turned my back to go into my class, but looked back at him one last time. When I looked back, he was looking back at me as well. He gave me a half smirk half smile before turning his back and going around a corner. I bit my lip as I walked into class.


There we go!  I hope you liked it eeveelution_trainer!

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