Carlos X Princess Reader

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This was requested by oXShadow_GirlXo  ~


"Gah!" You exclaimed as you were pushed against a locker.

"Tch, why do you even bother coming to school? You'll never be as smart at your mom." One of the girls in the group. 

You were the blood/adopted (You can pick wither you want to be adopted or not.) daughter of Tiana and Naveen. You didn't make the best grades, and since your mom was pretty smart, people expected you to make some of the highest grades. You tried your best, but it was never enough. Some of the girls at Auradon saw how upset you were about it, and thought it was the perfect thing to bully you about. 

"Yeah, I mean she's not even that pretty." Another girl said. 

You looked down. "Please just leave me alone." You said, in almost a whisper.

"What? Aww, does the little dummy have something to say.'

That was it. 

"I said leave me alone!" You yelled and took a step to toward the girls. 

"You little brat." The girl from before said. 

She walked up to you and threw you on the ground. You gasped when you felt a sharp pain in your ankle. 

"Hey!" You heard a male voice say. "Leave her alone!" You heard footsteps running toward you, and a lot of other footsteps running away.

You sighed in relief and stood up. Pain from your ankle coursed through your body and you shifted your weight to the other foot. You tried your best to not show any sign of pain.

"How long has that been going on?"

You lifted your head to see your boyfriend Carlos. You shrugged. "I don't know."

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked and stepped closer to you to cup your cheek in his hand. 

You looked down and placed your hand on top of his. 

"Because, I didn't want you to think I was weak." You said quietly. 

"Y/n, I would never think that you're weak. If you needed help you could've asked me for it." Carlos said and wrapped his arms around your waist.

You smiled at him, but then hissed when another jolt of pain came. 

"You're hurt." He said. 

He looked down at your feet and noticed your refused to put any pressure on your left ankle. He sighed and shook his head. 

"Again, why didn't you tell me?"

You chuckled and rubbed your neck. "Hehe, I don't know." 

He laughed and little and knelled down his his back was toward you. 

"Get on." He said and looked at you over his shoulder with a smiled. 

You laughed at him, but got on his back as he gave you a piggyback ride.

"Since you hurt your ankle, I get to carry you everywhere like the princess you are." He said and looked over at you. 

You laughed a little and put your face into the crook of his neck. 

"Thank you Carlos. I love you."

 "Of course. And I love you too." He said as he carried you back to your room and cared for you the rest of the day.


There we go~ I hope you liked it oXShadow_GirlXo~


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