Chapter 5: Curious

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Antonio ran them the rest of the way to his place, only slowing down when Romano would yell that it wasn't safe but that only happened once. The Spaniard smiled at how tight Romano was holding onto him. "Did I scare you?" Romano glared at him, "I know you're smirking, and you need to stop." The Italian sighed as he laid his chin down gently on Antonio's shoulder. Antonio laughed goodheartedly, "Can't help it Roma. You're just adorable," he continued to tread over the sidewalk, turning when he knew that he was on the right street, still surprising Romano. "That's really weird to me. It's just shocking that you know where to go." Antonio smiled as he turned his head to face Romano, but shrugged, "I know it's kind of strange. But I can't explain it any other way."

Romano looked at him curiously but really had nothing more to say on it. "Just make sure you're careful. I don't want you to trip or something." Antonio smirked, "Ah are you worried for me?" Romano rolled his eyes as he playfully pushed Antonio's face forward, "You're carrying me, so I don't want you to fall." Antonio laughed, "I promise I won't drop you, but it's okay. I know you care even if you don't want to admit it out loud." Romano sighed as he propped his elbow on Antonio's shoulder then used his hand to hold his head up, "Whatever you say."

Antonio smirked as he knew that he was right about the Italian, figuring out that Romano was shy when it came to being vulnerable and would usually get defensive when he felt uncomfortable. Although the Spaniard enjoyed hearing the way his Italian friend reacted to his teasing, he wouldn't go too far to make him permanently mad at him. He carried Romano up to his house and then reached down for his front right pocket to grab his keys once at the door, feeling the ridges of the few keys he had to know which one is which. "Can you hurry up? It's getting cold." Antonio nodded as he continued to search for the right key, "Lo siento Roma, I mean I am blind, but I can go through trial and error if you want," he said with a small smirk as he knew that would only take longer. Romano glared at that before sighing, "Bastard." Antonio laughed as he finally found the right key to place in the door, "Okay here we go. I'll make you some hot chocolate." The Spaniard promised as he walked inside before setting Romano down on his feet then closed the door to lock up. Romano stood off to the side as Antonio locked up, "With marshmallows?" Antonio chuckled as he turned around to then hold a thoughtful expression, "Only if you behave for your Papí~," he couldn't help but laugh after, much to Romano's annoyance, "Shut up! That was just a joke!" He huffed in annoyance.

It wasn't long after that that they were greeted by an excited bark by Shadow, who stood by their feet with his tail wagging happily that they were back. Antonio smiled as he walked a little closer from where he heard his canine and held out his hand, which the chocolate lab leaned his head against to allow Antonio to pet him. "Good boy. Did you miss us?" A bark was given in reply, making Antonio laugh as he then took one step over to the Italian, "Follow me Romano." He then headed off towards the stairs, and made his way up. Romano had used the time to take off his shoes before he followed after Antonio, stopping for a moment to pet Shadow's head. "I'm coming, hey, wait up." He called out as he quickened his steps to catch up to the Spaniard's longer ones.

Antonio laughed at the fact that Romano sounded irritated, which only irritated Romano more, "Don't laugh at me Jerk." Antonio easily made his way towards his room as he's gotten to know the layout of his house easily as it's the main place he's known, "I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing because of you, there's a difference." Romano managed to see which room Antonio went in before he followed after him, leaning against the doorway, "I don't see the difference." Antonio chuckled, "I don't mean it in a mean way. You're just really funny, and I can't help but laugh."

Romano blushed slightly as he wasn't really one for taking compliments well, but he was glad that Antonio liked his sense of humor that the Spaniard has seen so far. It was a shock though as usually his lack of filter would push others away, but not Antonio. It made him wonder why, but his thoughts stopped flowing as Antonio stripped off his shirt. "What are you doing?" The Italian asked, trying not to let it be known that he was a little flustered at seeing the toned muscles on the Spaniard's sun kissed skin. Antonio wasn't able to catch on as he was paying more attention to his closet to find what he wanted to wear. "Hm? Oh. You said it yourself Roma, it's cold and we're wet, so I thought we should get changed into something more comfortable."

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