Chapter 8: Two Sides of the Same Story

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{Back to Chapter 6 at the dinner table}

Antonio looked stunned as he came to the conclusion that what he was experiencing with Romano was a crush, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing, at least not with that part of it. Having a crush wasn't something he had experienced since high school, before the incident occurred that took away his sight, so it was exciting to him to have that normal feeling take over his senses once more. Francis still held that knowing, proud smile as he reached over to gently pat Antonio's shoulder. "At least you can admit that. It'll save you a lot of trouble later." Antonio hunched a little as if to hide himself as he felt embarrassed, nervous, and excited all at once. "But I shouldn't be. I mean. We just met and I don't know if he would even think of me like that too, so." Francis shook his head as he cut off a bite-sized piece of chicken to take a bite of. "I wouldn't say that. Yes you two may not have known each other long, but I wouldn't have that as my main reason why a relationship couldn't flourish." Gilbert sighed before nodding, "Yeah, you shouldn't focus on why it couldn't work. Think of why it should."

Antonio seemed to snap out of his haze of worry over how this could potentially ruin his friendship with the Italian he's grown attached to as the possibility that things could turn out well was brought up. Francis nodded, "I think you should too. Do you know if he's single?" Gilbert nodded, "And even into guys?" Antonio smiled a bit as he knew those answers as they were into his favor. "He's single and Bi." Gilbert raised an eyebrow at that before taking a swig of his beer. "How did you find that out?" Antonio began to actually eat his food then just use it to take out some of his frustrations. "After we met, I called him and we just asked each other questions before bed. It was nice." Francis smiled softly as he could see and hear the smile engrained into their Spanish friend's voice. "Good. It would have been harder if he wasn't." Antonio couldn't help but agree, but he was glad that he also knew how Romano leaned towards guys more it seemed, but then remembered what his history was with dating before moving here. "Si, but the bad thing is that he had a boyfriend before he moved here."

Gilbert looked a bit puzzled before shrugging. "So? He 'had' a boyfriend. Meaning he's single so, what's the problem?" Antonio sighed, "When he was about to move here from Italy, he broke up with his boyfriend, Luciano I think. Anyway they still talk according to Romano, but it wasn't a mutual breakup." Francis held an understanding smile, "And you're worried that there's still lingering feelings." Antonio nodded as he lifted his glass to his mouth to take a sip. "We didn't talk much else about that. He's from Italy, so distance was the reason, but I don't know if he is over it or not, or even ready to date someone else. I don't even know when he moved here."

Francis hummed softly as he picked up his empty plate and glass and walked over to the sink to rinse them before he began to clean his share of the dishes. "Well what do you know about him?" Antonio thought back to their first phone conversation before speaking, "He likes cats more than dogs, but seems to like Shadow, so that works out. We both really love tomatoes." Gilbert made a face, "You eat so many that I'm surprised you aren't one by now." Antonio stuck out his tongue, "Because they're delicious and if I was, I probably would eat myself." Gilbert snickered before downing the rest of his beer, "My mistake." Antonio then paused as he was trying to remember what else he's learned, "Oh he has a younger brother, but that's all I know. That and I think he lives with his grandfather from how he talks about him." Antonio finished his plate and stood up and shuffled his feet against the floor as he didn't want to jam his toes on the trek over. Francis let Gilbert take over washing his and Antonio's dish as it was the Prussian's turn since he had made their dinner. "So you don't know that much yet," Francis pointed out. Antonio furrowed his eyebrows before he crossed his arms after leaning back against the counter, looking a bit dejected, "I guess not, but that's not a bad thing. I can always just find out more as we get to know each other."

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