The girlfriends

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I gave a deep sigh of relief happy it was finally over with. I never liked lying to Naomi she was so innocent. My relief dissolved when Mishaal franticly screaming my name.

"REN! Lauren come here now!"

I flinched hoping this wasn't about her stolen mascara.

"Coming." I whimpered .

As I walked closer to her I could here the TV blaring Access Hollywood. Mishaal was sitting on our beige couch staring at the screen intently scanning it, with desperate black eyes. "

"Harry Styles was recently spotted at a high school soccer game in Texas, USA. The Best Song Ever singer was later seen at an Italian café spotted with the Irish bandmate and 2 lucky girls. Here is a snapshot of the ladies taken by a fan."
Mishaal and I appeared on the screen . Mishaal had spaghetti hanging out of here mouth, with a vacant expression. I sat beside her laughing at something Niall said. Alec was sitting on my lap looking bored, idly playing with his toy. The picture made an printed an image of us being really close, and together.
"Who took that picture? Their were only senior citizens there." I mumbled, confused.
"Probably Andrew the Dick waiter." Mishaal hissed.

"If any Directioners see this we will he harassed, abused and they will kill us! We will be the most hated people in America! We have to move... it's only a matter of time till they figure out where we live, what college I'm at, and pretty soon I won't even be able to go to Hot Topic without being mopped." She moaned.

I hushed her hastily trying not to miss anything.

"Are they girlfriends? Are they just lucky fans? Or are they friends with benefits? We'll keep you updated. I'm Nancy O'Dell at Access Hollywood .

"Oh shit." I sighed.

"Welp we're screwed! I'm moving in again, dropping out of college ,and becoming a hermit." she exasperated.

"Ok calm down Mishaal we haven't reached that stage yet . I'm calling Harry maybe he can work something out ." I said.

Mishaal mumbled something about death threats after I left the room. I was emotionally drained and couldn't take it anymore. I was regretting ever even going to that soccer game and not staying at home with McDonald's and Season 8 of Doctor Who.

I dialed Harry's number with shaky hands not even trying to contain myself. The phone ringed 4 times before Harry answered.

" 'Ello ," He answered sounding cheerful. His happiness made my blood boil in my head making me feel a emotion a I never felt so powerful.


"You've jacked up my life! You know that?! I was fine before you came along with your blonde! I wasn't on the fucking news, being your friend with benefits! And I swear to god if you caused girls to hate me, I will come over to your house and snatch you by your beanie and make you tell them the truth!"

There was silence as if he was processing my words. I could here him breathing and I knew he would dare hang up, or I would fulfill my threat.

Finally I heard a sigh and Harry's gavel voice," Why can't the media mind their own damn business? Look I'm sorry, I'll call them and ask them to edit that part out before any other time zones see it. I am really sorry and I'll try to stop the hate, and I'm sorry I didn't come with a warning ! If you want us to be exiled from your life fine, but I'm sorry."

I felt regret wash over me for blaming him for this even though he never even knew about it. He practically apologized so much for something that wasn't even his fault.

"Sorry Harry. I know this isn't your fault but I know this never would've happened if I hadn't got that sticky note. Hell, if I didn't get hit with the ball, you would've never got out of your stalker van."

He chuckled I guess remembering all the names I called him." Yeah your right but...but I'm happy you got hit, and I'm grateful for getting out of my 'stalker van'." The line went silent as I started to process all of this.
Harry Styles the major Boyband member.. was happy that he met me.
"Ok Laur I'll call you back when I get the media to stop talking about you. Unless you want them to." Harry said, sounding like he was hoping I would. But I didn't want to be Harry's friend with benefits. I was barely even his friend! I didn't want the things Mishaal was babbling about to happen to me.
"Nope Harold we're good. Hopefully no one recognized up and knew us. Maybe no one was watching it," I chirped hopefully not wanting to be stalked.
"Yeahhhh." He didn't sound like he even believed that.
We hung up and I went back the living room to assure Mishaal she would be able to go to Hot Topic freely. When I got their Mishaal was huddled in her Hello Kitty blanket staring at her Windows 8 laptop screen. Her face had been drained of it's natural smirk, and replaced with a sad, dreary, expression. She saw me walk in and closed the laptop trying to block whatever was on the screen from me.

"I just got off the phone with Harry. He's going to ask them to trim the part about us out of the show."

"Oh cool." She mumbled, moving her laptop on the other side of her out of my reach.

"Yeah...look Mishaal I'm really sorry I dragged you in this. I'm sorry and I know I don't tell you this often, but I love you Mishaal and I don't want you to get death threats."

I reach to hug her squeezing her limp un-moving body. We sat their for and awkward moment until Mishaal wrapped her arms around me. I waited until she relaxed to take action.
I grabbed her taptop swiftly and darted toward our shared bathroom. She looked dumbfounded and shocked I had the audacity to still her computer.
I ran down the hall and locked the bathroom door, hoping she wouldn't knock it down till I was done.

"No swearing please!" I responded,typing in her password: Matt Healy. I heard an angry growl followed by banging on the door.
The screen popped up to Mishaal's Twitter account. At first I was confused about what the big deal was, until I directed my eyes to World Trending. Their was multiple ones in Arabian, and Spanish, but one American one caught my eye.

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