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Ashton gave me one last warning glance before unlocking the door.

Everything was a mess. There were Doritos thrown all around the floors crunched from being stepped on carelessly, boxers hanging of the back of a leather couch. How I Met Your Mother re-runs were playing loudly though it's obvious no one was watching it. My shoe made a squish noice from a random puddle of ketchup on the floor that I stepped in, walking through the door.

I tried turning around ready to run back out but Ashton was blocking the doorway. I took off the soggy Van and tried not to throw it at one of the boys.

  A swift array of Green hair rolling on the floor from one of the bedrooms, wearing a Leonardo ninja turtle costume, with a play shell on his back and little plastic nunchucks. It was clear that Michael couldn't see well through the mask, because as he went to launch his 'Attack', he tripped over his over his feet.

Ashton just looked ashamed."Oh my god."

Michael quickly sat up, muttering 'that never happened' multiple times re-ajusting his crooked turtle shell.
Just when I thought the band could not be such have been array of loser, Luke comes out from the same bedroom Michael did but instead of wearing a turtle costume, he wasn't wearing anything. Nope. Nothing, just had it all hanging out.

It took a second for it to soak in that I was living million of girls dreams, and before I could go and pull out a ruler, Ash already had his colossal hands over my eyes."Luke put it away before I tell Liz!"
Luke huffed probably rolling his eyes but it's not like I could tell." Well it's not like you told me we'd be having company."

Ashton sighed slowly moving his hands off my face, mumbling something about how childish his bandmates were. The only person who actually seemed to appear normal was Calum and I didn't see him.

I turned to Michael who was still looking stupid in his costume meant for 8 year olds."Where's Calum?" I asked.

"Oh you mean Donatelo? He went to go pick up his girlfriend," Mikey said, plopping on the couch, ingnoring the crunches of chips.

My heart dropped down to my ovaries.
I must've heard him wrong... Calum's single. I know it. Calum had to be.
I chuckled in denial that that could be true." Wait, but that's impossible I would've known if he was dating someone, he would've told me!"

Michael wasn't even listening anymore, he just turned his focus to the flat screen where Robin and Barney were dancing at a wedding. Not even glancing up from the screen he mumbled," Calum's a quiet guy, Lauren. He has secrets like everyone else."


I could've just ruined a relationship. Whoever Calum's dating probably doesn't like the thought of him kissing another girl. I felt face cringed up, as my lips pouted.

Well this is great.

"Hey Lauren, can you come her for a second?" Ashton's voice echoed around his apartment.

I stood up slowly peering around every corner for the Hazel haired boy.

"Ash? Where are you?"

"In here." He replied.

Finally turning into a bedroom, I saw him siting on his bed with a box in his hand. My eyes traveled around the his room. There was band posters all around, I only recognized Green Day, and All Time Low. The wall were painted a dark shade of blue, kinda sexy in a way.

Ashton patted a spot next to him. "Come sit next to me."

I shyly sat next to him. He place the box in my lap. When I looked down at it confused he said,"Open it."

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