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Zacky was so tired of this, he was tired of Brian making excuses and leaving when it was time to write. Their next album was on the way and he was ready to strangle Brian if he made another excuse to leave the studio and go wherever he goes with a big ol' grin. It happened almost everyday unless Matt would beg when they really needed to write. But apparently today wasn't begging day because Brian got up and said with a smile, "guys I gotta go, gotta pick up my little cousin from school then watch him. See you guys later." he waved and left because apparently 8 years olds get out of school at 11 in the morning. No one seemed to notice that and waved to him goodbye. Except Zacky who glared at the man that walked out.

"Guys, I, uh, gotta tell Bri somethin'." Zacky said with a small smile at his friends as he got up.

"More like kiss him goodbye. " Jimmy joked, not noticing the tint of pink on Zackys porcelain like skin.

Zacky raced out and saw Brian beginning to pull away from his parking spot. Zacky groaned, he wasnt much of a runner but ran to the car as it was driving back, he grabbed a hold of the passenger door and knocked on the window quickly as the car moved forward causing him to move forward too. Zacky yelled Brians name causing the car to stop as Zacky took this chance to open the door and go in with a glare and small tears in his eyes since he panicked a bit.

"What the fuck Zacky?!" Brian yelled.

"I- B-Brian..." Zacky gulped and furrowed his eyebrows. "Why the fuck do you keep leaving?" he asked, wiping his teary eyes with a frown on his pouty pink lips.

"I already told you and the guys why." he groaned.

"What was the reason then?" Zacky crossed his arms and glared at the older man.

"I have to take my aunt to the hospital, I told you." Brian said rolling his eyes.

Zacky laughed and shook his head. "You fucking liar, Haner! You said you were picking up your little cousin from school! What the fuck?! Seriously, what are you doing when you go?"

"Why does it matter to you? Yeah, I'm lying. You're not my boyfriend so why should it matter to you where I'm going?"

Zacky blinked and looked down, he wanted to be Brians boyfriend but he can't.

"I-It matters to me because you're my best friend and you're in the same band with me. We're supposed to be writing music write now but you keep leaving and we need you! Thats why!" Zacky yelled.

"Well fuck off and get the fuck out of my car! I don't care if you're my best friend get out of my business." Brian growled making Zacky flinch. Tears were beginning to brim in his eyes as he stared at Brian with a little hurt look. Brian knew he was sensitive and processed his own words before frowning. "Jesus... Okay, look. I'm so sorry you mean a whole lot to me. I love you, dude. You are my best friend, I was actually going to tell you -- " Brian was unable to speak due to lips connected to his. They were.... Surprisingly very soft but, they were from Zacky. Brian pulled away quickly and blinked at Zacky who was blushing terribly, his bangs falling in front of his green eyes shyly and nervously.

"I-I am so-so sorry Brian!" Zacky gasped.

Brian chuckled lightly and smiled. "It's fine. I was actually going to say, those timea I've been gone it's because I was with my boyfriend." he started, watching a sad and guilty look form on Zackys face as he emitted a small "oh." Brian continued. "Or well ex boyfriend. I wanted to break it off with him because I like someone else."

Zacky blinked. "I'm so confused.." he mumbled.

"I was going to his house to break up with him, to be with someone else," Brian said, leaning in close to Zackys face which was a bit hard since they were in Brians car. "Can you guess who?"

"I-I, uhm, m-m-me?" Zacky squeaked, Brian nodded and smirked, gently pressing his lips against Zackys who fluttered his eyes closed and kissed back.

732 words

This was a shitty one too but wuteveeerrrrr lolol its 1 am leave me alone):
Ily guys

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