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Johnny was upset and everyone could tell. Johnny just sat on the couch in their bus, staring out the window with his legs crossed and small body huddled together. It was too obvious. To everyone except Johnny's boyfriend, Jimmy.

"Dude, what's up with Christ?" Matt asked with Zacky by his side as they questioned Jimmy. Brian was getting beer and shit from the store.

"What do you mean?" Jimmy rose an eyebrow.

"He looks really upset." Zacky mumbled worriedly for his friend and glanced at him before looking up at the two taller men.

"Oh..." Jimmy trailed off and frowned at the sight of his boyfriend.

"Yeah, did something happen between you two, or..?" Matt asked.

"No, no. Last night we were perfectly fine. This morning we haven't really spoken so.." he sighed, looking at the couple before him.

"Well then talk to him now. See what's up." Matt urged. "While me and this fat ass go make some cake." Matt joked as Zacky pouted and slapped his arm playfully. Yeah. Zackys pregnant and Matt had to fufill his cravings.
(Should I make a mpreg one shot?:00 )

Jimmy nodded and sighed before going over to Johnny and sat next to him. "Hey baby." he said softly. Johnny didn't turn and kept his spot. "What's wrong? You haven't spoken to me all day."

"And that's what's wrong. You haven't spoken to me. You haven't given me any attention." Johnny answered and jutted his lip out pitifully.

"Aw Johnny.. Im so sorry." Jimmy cooed and pulled the smaller onto his lap and hugged him. "I love you so much. Im sorry." he mumbled.

"It's okay." Johnny grinned and wrapped his arms around Jimmy's neck. "I love you too." he said back.

"So you were upset because I gave you no attention?" Jimmy chuckled as Johnny nodded slowly.

"Yeah.. Kinda.." he blushed.

"Well then I'll give you all my attention!" Jimmy smirked and began tickling Johnny's sides, laughing at Johnny's scream and fits of giggles.

333 words

This is short. Whoops.

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