The Secret Life Of Natasha Kapoor

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As quiet as a cat, Charlotte, remember.

Thank God we have carpeting all around the house or I would've creaked a loose plank for sure. I'm not really polished on my ninja skills, you see, especially not with all this stuff in my hand.

I carefully turned the knob opened the door slowly to avoid making any noise. Thanks to the well oiled and polished condition of the furniture in this house, that was an easy job.

You might be wondering why I'm sneaking around my own house like a thief. Let's just say I'm a big believer of tit for tat and I'm here for the 'tat'. Okay, I'm being really aloof, I know. Basically I want my revenge for being left panting in drive way which not only got me late to school but also awarded me detention. Not that I mind that detention, but that's beside the point. The point is that I want to avenge the evils done to me.

I know I sound like a drama queen. Don't blame me; I had warned you about my absurdness.

So right now, I'm standing in the middle of Daniel's room which, I can tell you, is a typical guy's space, well, minus the posters of half nude women which I find kind of surprising. I smirked taking in the placement of the room. It was perfect for my plan.

In my hands I hold a shaving foam bottle, a shrill annoying whistle, a bowl and a bottle of icy cold water.

What? Revenge is a dish best served cold, right?

I quietly set all the items on his desk and walked over to the bed where the ogre was sleeping with the shaving foam bottle and got to work. I squeezed the contents all over his smug face and on his outstretched hand making him look like a lump of snow. Next step, place the cold water bowl under his face and since he was sleeping on his stomach at the edge of his pillow, my job got a lot easier. After all my apparatus was ready I stepped back, held the whistle in my mouth and took a deep breath.


The shrill whistle woke him up with a start, dropping his face in the cold water.

"WHAT THE HELL!" He scrambled to get up but fell off the bed, tangled in his sheets making the bowl spill its contents fully on him. He looked up and his gaze fell on me, his nostrils flaring like Hulk on his day if the month.

I gulped and dashed out of the room, good that I had enough sense to leave the door wide open.


I ran down the stairs at my best speed, grabbed my bag and dashed out of the house. Lucky for me, Chris was already at the gate, waiting for me patiently like I had instructed him with the excuse that I had some work in the library. I swung open the door and quickly climbed in.

"Go go go!" I yelled in panic, slapping the dash board impatiently.

Chris raised his eyebrows in confusion, "What's up with you?"

"Just drive, will you. I'll tell you on the way" I groaned impatiently.

"Okay okay"

With that we were on the road, driving away from my doom.

"Now will you tell me what happened?"

I sighed and slumped against the backrest, "You remember how a week ago you found me panting in the drive way while my lovely brother drove off? I kind of just had my revenge for that"

"What did you do?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"Just the usual, shaving cream, cold water, whistle... I actually woke up half an hour early especially for that"

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