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I was sitting on a bench at the bus station that evening while thinking where I should stay for the night. It was only around 7pm according to the walled clock on my right but the road already looked deserted. Only a couple of private locomotives passed by. From the timetable I read earlier posted on the wall, I had to wait another hour for the bus to arrive. I was planning what to do in the next days when I noticed two men hobbling towards me. They looked drunk as they tried to lean into each other for support. I flinched as soon as they neared, the memory of my parents in the same way gave me dread. Alarm poured down all over my body as the men stopped in front of me. I grabbed my bags and embraced it in front of me for protection while they stared at me with dark looks before one of them stumbled over and grabbed my arm.

“Hey there girly, want to have a good time?” He slurred as he tightened his grip to ensure I won’t run away. I held my bags tighter and stood up pulling my hands back away from him. The other man grabbed the strap of my other bag and pulled it from me.

“Give me your bag, girly, if you know what is good for you!” He threatened.

I felt cold sweats coming off me as I panic at these big burly men who can overpower me anytime. I looked around for help but found the surroundings were abandoned with life. No vehicles passing by. No individual in sight. It was like we were the only ones in the area.

We were yanking the bags from each other when a flash of light flooded the street. We all stopped and stared at the oncoming automobile. The men loosened their hold on my things which gave me the strength to snatch it back as I held my breath. I don’t know if the men inside the vehicle are with them or not but I reared myself ready to run in case.

The vehicle stopped a few feet away from us and 3 suited men stepped out of the car. The men looked brooding and dangerous as they advance towards us. That was when I noticed the vehicle was a black Cadillac Escalade with tinted windows. These men are definitely not part of the harassers. The drunk men stepped back with caution since the suited men exuded an aura of authority.

One of the men in a gray suit and blue tie asked me in a deep voice. “Is there a problem here, miss?”

I only stared him with guarded eye watching at what will be their next move. He stared back at me in question. The other one was wearing the same suit but with light blue tie. They seemed to be respectable but I cannot trust anyone right away. They might be worse than the drunkards harassing me.

The last man wearing a red tie on dark blue suit and who looked a bit younger than the other two, approached me slowly and asked again. “Miss, are you alright?”

I was slightly calmed by the way he spoke to me with his soothing voice. His aura didn’t matched his tone. He looked evil and yet sounded angelic. He is also a good looking man with his sea green eyes and dark brown hair pulled into a man bun in a ruggedly formal attire. A walking contradiction. I stared him and shook my head as I looked at the two inebriated men near me with fear. His expression turned dark before nodding at his comrades. I didn’t grasp what happened because the next thing I know is that I was being guided towards the Escalade by the composed man with green eyes while the other 2 took the alcohol-induced blokes out of our sight. He sat me down at the back seat before squatting in front of me. I hug my bags in front of me in an attempt to keep him away but he only held my hand, which surprisingly, soothed instead of agitating me. He looked just about a few years older with eyes like that of a serene forest and a voice like the tranquil wind.

“Are you okay?” He asked still holding my hand softly. “Don’t be afraid. We’re here to protect you. What’s your name?”

I meekly smiled at him. I wanted to answer but my voice wouldn’t come out so I just nodded my head to tell him I’m fine. The corners of his mouth raised with satisfaction which made me calm as he held up his palm in a handshake manner. “Good. By the way, my name is Nicolo. What’s yours?”

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