+++ 19 - DON OF SOVRAN +++

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I didn’t see Giovanni outside my door when I arrived but then I remembered telling him to check Federico’s place for anything that we can use against him. I opened the door and entered my office only to halt my entrance. There in the middle of the room stands the one man I wished I wouldn’t see anymore.

The man I hated infinitely but loved eternally. I thought I was over my feelings for him but beholding his eyes now, I knew I was never over it. I will not deny that I still love Lucas, but I cannot forgive him as well for what he had done to me. I knew he only did what his father ordered him to do but he could have told me or much better, he shouldn’t have gotten close to me. He shattered me to pieces and up to this moment I am still picking it up and putting it back together.

I forced myself to show no recognition at him. I gave him a practiced smile as I walk towards him. He stared at me speechless as if he had seen a ghost. I understand his shock. I looked different but I am still the same girl he knew before. My hair was long in the past but was cut down to a pixie bob now. My physique improved, I am fitter than before. My aura also changed. I had a sunny personality back then but now, I am emotionless. I am a brand new me and it seemed as if he cannot comprehend my change. His eyes showed the questions in his mind. He wanted to find out if I am truly Vittoria. He will soon get the answer and not in the way he will like. Vittoria died and in her place Rosso was born.

After a few minutes, he got out of his trance. “Vittoria?”

“Yes, it’s me.” I answered with a clipped tone.

Mia Piccolo Rosso.” He stared at me wide eyed and gasped.

I winced at what he called me. “No.”

“No what?” Now he looked confused at my response.

“I’m no longer your Little Red.” I answered with my signature sneer that everyone fears to see on my face. “Remember what I said the day you threw me and my family to the wolves? I am the wild beast born and raised to run with them, and this is my wilderness.” I glared at him with cold eyes giving him shivers all over his body. “So tell me now, what are you doing here in my land?”

“I… Uh, what are you doing here? What happened to you?” He watched me confused and asking for answers. “I tried searching for you but I couldn’t find anything. The reports I got said you were in Lyon. How come you are here now?”

“I don’t see any reason to explain anything to you.” I answered as I walked to my chair and sat staring at him with the confidence of a business woman. “You have seen me. You can leave now if we have nothing to talk about. I didn’t even know we have an appointment today, do we?”

“No, we don’t. I came here to talk to Rosso Lupescu and ask about Sovran.” He walked to my desk and stand in front of me. “Do you know anything?”

“What about Sovran?” I said acting innocent about my knowledge of it. “They are the mob controlling and are headquartered here in Sicily.”

“Yes. We received information that the owner of Lupercus is acquainted with the Sovran Don. I didn’t know that you know the owner. We need to speak to her regarding the issue within her territory.”

I smirked at his ignorance of the fact that he is talking to the very person he is looking for. “Ah, I see. You wanted to take over Sovran just like what you did to Skotádi. Are you aware that the Don doesn’t like other people meddling with her affairs?”

“Do you personally know her?”

“I am familiar with her. Do you want to get in touch with her? Are you going to use me again to get what you want?” I reminded him of what he did in the past. I wasn’t over my ire and with him being here now, it just grew stronger. “Then let’s get this down and over with. Please have a seat.”

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