Rising From The Ashes

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"Entreat me not to leave thee,
Or return from following after thee—
For whither thou goest, I will go,
And where thou lodgest, I will lodge.
Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.
Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried.
The Angel do so to me, and more also,
If aught but death part thee and me."

Perhaps it was the rain or the children laughing outside, but this morning Alec was in a particular bad mood. He couldn't figure out where the children laughs were coming from and he couldn't be bother either. He got up and made his way down to the kitchen. As usual he was the first one to be awake already. It didn't took long before Jace came down bringing Max attached to him.

Max quickly sit at the table and started devouring his breakfast. Unlike Isabelle, Alec was actually a good cook, at least he didn't made anyone feel the need to throw up while - or after - finishing his meals.

"Plans for today?" Max tried to say with his mouth full of food.

Jace laughed which made Max upset. As usual they never included him in anything and he was tired of feeling young and being treated like a child. He looked up to Jace more than anything, which at times, made Alec a little bit jealous, not in a really bad way but he wished he could get along better with his little brother. Unlike Alec, Jace often allowed Max to do certain things that were a bit out of his league, so to speak which made Max like him even more.

"Smells nice in here." Isabelle walked in, beautiful as always. She was wearing a tight black dress which made her curves stand out. She was perfect indeed, with her long black hair, falling to her back in perfect well made curls.

Alec was still in his chair and he couldn't help but to stare at Jace. His blond hair and golden eyes, his good looks were something Jace was really proud of and he never lost the chance to use it on everyone around him. For his own despair, it worked on Alec too. He never said out loud or made any indication whatsoever of his true feelings for Jace. They were parabatai after all and if there was one thing that is explicit forbidden was love. You could not, in any way have a romantic relation with your parabatai. You couldn't fall in love and Alec hated himself for it. As far as he knew, Jace didn't felt the same. He loved him of course, the way you love your parabatai, the way you are supposed to love your parabatai.

"Demon hunting of course" Jace replied. Alec snapped out of it and simply nodded. "We are going to Pandemonium tonight."

After breakfast everyone went on with their lives. Which basically meant they were off to the training room or to the library. This was just like any other day. Training, learning, becoming better, becoming the best. Killing demons, protecting the world etc.

Later came and they were ready. To no one's surprise, Max was standing next to Jace like he was ready to go into battle as well, or so he thought it was a battle.

"You can't go Max. We have been over this a thousand times." Alec said. He was still in a particular bad mood and he wasn't having any of this at the moment.

Jace with his charming way and wit, convinced Max to leave and entertain himself until their arrival. "This won't take long." Jace told him.  "You would get bored anyway." With a frown the size of heaven, Max went away.

"Still familiar with the plan?" Alec asked Isabelle. She nodded. She was wearing a white dress and she was ready. All of them knew what to do.

"Let's kill this shape shifter!" Jace said and they left.


Soon as they got home, Max came running. He always wanted to know everything, how the fight went, who killed it. Jace was a hero to him.

"How was it? What happened?"

"Max, not now." Alec said stepping aside and ignoring his little brother.

They all looked like something had gone wrong and although they did what they intended to do, in the end something went wrong. Alec's mood for once got even worse. He had seen the way Jace looked at that girl. That stupid mundane girl who almost got him killed. Why was he so interested in her? Sure she could see them, she was probably just a mundie with the sight.

It was getting late anyway, so Alec decided it was time to sleep. But first he went for a shower. Nothing could really prepared him for what was about to happen but one thing he knew for sure, this would change his life. His relation with Jace would never be the same, or so he thought.

Alec slowly walked into his room, he wasn't really expecting anyone to show up. Izzy was probably in her bedroom already and Jace was somewhere in the library talking with Max, making sure he was still his hero or even talking about that mundane girl.
Do not get jealous. Alec thought to himself. He's your parabatai, nothing else. He can like whoever he wants to like. But he couldn't trust that girl. He still thought it was a bad idea, Hodge would probably like to talk to her, figure out a few things but they decided to let her go. The Institute was quiet.

Obviously Alec was not expecting Jace to walk into his room right when he was removing his clothes and ready to get into the shower. Jace didn't even thought twice, he just burst inside babbling about something that probably was no big deal. Alec felt his cheeks turn red and although he tried to cover himself up, it was too late. Jace had seen it. Now Jace being who he was, Alec was expecting him to laugh it off. To make some comment or joke about it. But he didn't. He just stared at Alec the way he had never see him do it before.

After a few seconds of staring, Jace finally reacted. He turned around and he couldn't hide how embarrassed he was.

"I... I, I'm so sorry. Truly. I'll... I'll go now.. I bye" He said or at least tried to and then left.

Alec was holding a black T-Shirt to cover himself. He couldn't think about what exactly Jace had seen, in fact he did not wanted to think about it at all. Would Jace come back? Perhaps it was better for Alec to get into the shower already. He was sure he couldn't handle anything like this happening again. What was Jace thinking, what did he even wanted? What was he saying? Maybe he should just relax, enjoy his shower and never talk about this ever again.

But Alec was not being able to let it go. Was he dreaming or was he seeing things that did not existed. The way Jace looked at him, what could it possibly mean?

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