Not Your Typical Shadowhunter Morning

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"I'm sorry. I needed to see you."

Magnus let him inside. He looked upset and for a moment Magnus could swear he had seen some tears.

"Do you need something?"

"No, I'm fine. Thank you." Alec replied.

He wasn't sure what he was doing here, did he wanted to talk? Maybe he just needed to spend time with someone who wouldn't judge him or make him feel conflicted. Who wouldn't force him to spill out his feelings on a plate. Magnus was okay with that too. For the time he had seen Alec, he knew more or less by now the way he was. It also wasn't hard to guess this had something to do with Jace.

Alec ended up staying for the night. Not once Magnus forced him to speak or share what really had made him get there. The only words Magnus heard coming out his mouth were probably the ones he said when he opened the door "I needed to see you." For Magnus that was more than enough.

Magnus woke up to the smell of food and coffee. He got up and made his way to the kitchen. He was shocked to watch Alec Lightwood, making what appeared to be breakfast.

"What are you doing?" Magnus asked.

"Making breakfast?" Alec replied. "Want some? Coffee is still hot."

You are hot. Magnus thought. The sloppy hair and those perfect blue eyes made Magnus feel something. Was he falling in love? No, don't be crazy Magnus. He's just a pretty confused boy, really confused boy who might need your help, nothing else.

"Sure." Magnus said and he sit.

This wasn't his typical morning at all, but he knew Alec needed this. Some time off and a chance to think things through. Magnus didn't wanted to ask, maybe it was easier to let him do his thing, then leave. But he was curious and most of all, he found himself caring.

"So are you going to tell me what this is all about?"

Alec sit down. He was drinking coffee and suddenly he had no idea what to say or do. Perhaps it was hitting him that he was in Magnus one. Sitting right in front of him. Someone with more experience in everything.

"I just needed some place to go." He stopped to take a sip on his coffee. "Clary is in love with Jace." He said.

Magnus was quiet for a while which bothered Alec.

"So? Aren't you going to say something?"

"Does that upset you, Alexander? That Clary loves Jace?"

He was starting to feel uncomfortable so he kept moving on his chair. "Maybe it does. After all..." How could he say it? How could he say that he and his parabatai had kissed? That he loved him as long as he could remember? Alec was sure Magnus was aware of the rules.

"You and Jace kissed." Magnus simply said.

"How do you? Well it doesn't matter does it? This whole situation is nonsense."

"Alec," Magnus began and he decided to stand up. "do not hide from your feelings. Jace is probably confused as well. Apparently he likes to kiss people. Did he told you he loved you?"

Alec didn't said anything for a while. The feeling of having Magnus standing so close to where he was sitting was becoming overwhelming. He had never felt this way before. Of course he had loved Jace, he loves Jace but he never felt the same way he does with Magnus around. This was something else.

"No." He finally managed to say. "He said he liked me. But he loves me I'm sure."

"He loves you because you are his parabatai, or does he loves you like you love a lover?"

Alec choke on his coffee. Magnus went immediately to his assistance. "There there Alec, don't need to die over this." 

"What am I doing?" Alec said. He looked tired, exhausted even. "I'm a shadowhunter god damn it. I fight demons, I shouldn't feel this miserable because of love. "

Magnus had lived for so long, his idea and opinion of love had changed. He felt things differently, he saw things differently but he wasn't going to let a bright young man to feel this terrible because he was in love. He could tell Alec had suffered a lot with his "secret" and he wasn't going to let this madness continue.

"Love is not the cause of your pain. It's this stupid rules and this stupid people playing with your emotions. Alexander, you deserve so much better. You deserve someone who will appreciate you every step of the way. Who will love you, all of you no matter what. Someone who will not be confused and mixed in love triangles. Who will give all the love to you and only you. And perhaps Jace does like you but I know this hurts, but he might be in love with Clary as well."

Alec had no words. In fact all he wanted to do was kiss Magnus. But he didn't felt what he did when he kissed Jace, he was feeling something different. He wanted Magnus, he felt attracted to him. He felt desire.

Magnus was still standing and Alec decided to do the same. He had no idea where this was going but he needed it, most of all he wanted that. Magnus was expecting him to fight back with his words, claim how much he was unworthy of being loved the way Magnus had described, but that's not what Alec did. He got up, pushed Magnus against the counter and kissed him. This was nothing like his first kiss. This was full of passion and desire. Feelings Alec had never experienced before. Thoughts of doing things he had never once thought about before. Magnus didn't fought back, in fact he kissed Alec back. Alec wasn't scared this time, he didn't thought he wasn't good enough, all he thought about was how much he wanted Magnus and how good he made him feel.

Magnus stopped to catch his breath.

"Are you...?" Alec didn't let him finish.

"Yes." He whispered.

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