What Went Wrong?

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Alec didn't knew what to tell he's father. All he was thinking is that if his father knew that meant most of them knew it as well. Isabelle, his mother... Was he not good at hiding his feelings after all? All this time when he thought no one knew and all was fine, they were probably judging him or talking behind his back. Jace, of course, he knew it and he always had. Is he playing with my emotions? Does he think this is funny? Alec thought. He had a hard time believing Jace actually cared about him in that way and they kiss. Oh the kiss. It was amazing and Alec loved it but Jace was a flirt, it was part of who he was and he made sure to share around his charms with everyone, was Alec just another one? Then there was Clary, the mundane girl  - who Alec still didn't wanted to believe could possibly have shadowhunter blood - that Jace was all over. He liked her, Alec could tell at least that. And now Jace loved Alec as well.

"Alec are you alright?" It was Isabelle. Alec snapped out of his thoughts. He didn't knew what to tell her or if he should tell her anything at all.

"Everything is fine. Where's Clary?" He asked.

"She's with Jace." She said while noticing the look on her brother's face. "They are in the Greenhouse."

"Of course they are."

"Alec!" Isabelle shouted.

He turned around and she had the curiosity look. This shall be good.

"What did Father wanted?" She asked.

"Just some story. Nothing important. And I know what all of you must be thinking but it is not the truth. Now if you excuse me."

"Alec!" Isabelle shouted again. "I have to tell you something."

Alec was exhausted. This last few days had been absolutely crazy. More crazy than the usual shadowhunter life. He took a deep breath and then proceeded to ask his sister what it was she wanted to tell him so badly.

"I was talking to Clary and she told me she saw you." She said. She was hoping her brother would understand without having to say the exact words.

"Be more specific Izzy. She's apparently living here now, of course she sees me."

"I mean... She saw you. You and Jace. In the weapons room. Do I really need to say it all?"

"Oh." Alec said. In fact that's all he could say. Clary knew which wasn't exactly a surprise for him, but for her to have seen it, witness that pure and lovely moment between him and Jace that, himself wasn't sure exactly what it meant, and now he had strangers walking around talking about his privacy.

"That's all you have to say? I know I don't have a parabatai but I do know this, whatever it is, can not happen, Alec. Do you understand me?"

"Isabelle, trust me. I know."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"There's nothing to talk about. Me and Jace are parabatai, we love each other like we are supposed to. Nothing more."

The more days it passed the more Alec realized what they truly meant by a romantic bond being forbidden when it came to being parabatai. This whole thing was a mess. Yes they fought, they kept doing the same they always did. That bond between him and Jace could never be ruined. But truth to be told, things were different. There was an awkwardness around, the way they spoke to each other daily, when they trained together and their bodies touched. The electricity flowing between them. They didn't really talked much about the kiss after it happened. Clary drama of course. They were too focus on that to deal with each other's feelings. Not once they got each other into trouble or endanger their lives because of it. For Alec that was a victory already. Their warrior bond was intact. Their friend bond, not so much.

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