Chapter 3

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Edith's POV

A small sigh leaves my lips as I get my suitcase out of my closet, why didn't I just reject him?

'Because he's our mate' my wolf said dreamily as her thoughts where on him and him alone, she loves him. Her connection with his wolf was incredible, I felt such a strong pull towards him.

As I started packing my things I was thinking about harry, I want him. I kept thinking about how I got mad at him for thinking of picking his mate over me, now here I am. Picking my mate, but I'm not really. I have no choice, it's go with him or have him kill my pack.

"Edith?" I hear harry ask as he knocks on my door, why can't my wolf just love his wolf.

'Because he isn't our mate!' She screams at me making me roll my eyes

"Come in" I say making harry step into my room, the room filled with silence as I looked down at my bag folding some of my clothes.

"I'm sorry" I whisper as I place the neatly folded clothes into my bag, I had no idea what to say to him. I wanted to fix this all, but I didn't know how.

"You don't have to go" he whispers as he comes over sitting down on my bed, his eyes watching me closely. Tears started blurring my vision making me quickly wipe my eyes.

"I know, but if I don't he will come after the pack" I whisper sadly, I just hope he wouldn't kill me once I'm with him.

Jason's POV

'How dare she love another!' My wolf jace growled as we ran back to our land, he was clearly upset. Jealous and mad, I couldn't stop him. I didn't want her yet he's forcing her to come back to my pack.

'We don't need her' I argue, as I dodged a few trees. The wind was blowing through my black fur and normally that would calm my wolf and I, but we where to busy at each other's throats to care.

'She's our mate! The one who was chosen for us! Aren't you jealous about her with another?!" He growled making me mentally roll my eyes, he didn't understand. He didn't get that a mate would give us a weakness, a weakness we didn't need.

'He's probably touched her' I growl making him whimper in pain, I ignore him once I reach my pack house. Which was a large three story mansion.

'Bring me clothes' I snap in my mind link to my beta, my beta happened to be my best friend. The only person who knows everything about me.

'Alright chill' I hear him reply making me roll my eyes, it wasn't long before Nathan came outside with my clothes.

"You right buddy?" He asked clearly noticing I'm not the most calm, I growled lowly at him making him hand me my clothes. Putting them in my mouth I run to the side of the house.

Nathan's POV

I patiently waited as Jason ran over to the side of the house, he looked stressed. I would say un happy but he's always un happy.

I could tell he was having a hard time controlling his wolf, I didn't know what was happening right now but I knew I'd find out.

"Jason?" I ask as he walks over, he looked around making sure no one was in hearing distance. Jason told me everything, we have been friends our whole life. He knows everything about me, I know everything about him. Including why he's like he is.

"I found my mate" he tells me showing no emotion, why wasn't he happy about that? A confused expression covered my face as I raised an eyebrow, telling him to continue.

"She's in love with another!" He growls running a hand threw his hair, I sigh softly as I look down. I honestly thought him finding his mate would help him, maybe it still can

"Is she coming to the pack?" I ask wanting to know what's happening, he nodded as he started walking to the house making me follow

"You really think I'm going to let her love another!" He yells as he shakes his head "she's coming back here, I'll reject her but she's to stay here"

This wasn't going to turn out well

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