Chapter 3

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- Brian's point of the view -
I had just arrived at the park, the place I always went to when I needed to think. It was a very dark evening and the weather was a little chilly because of the wind, but other than that, it was the perfect weather for a night walk. From the light of the streetlamp's you could see how the swings peacefully moved in sync with the wind. I walked up to a swing and stopped it from moving as I climbed onto it. And there I sat, at 9 pm a Tuesday evening and just let my mind wander from one thing to another. Suddenly I hear voices talking not too far away.
"You stay away from her, okey?" I heard a voice say, very threatening.
I decided to follow the voices that seemed to come from a house a little further away, and walked away from the lighted up playground, right into the dark. The further I came, the louder and clearer I could hear the voices. After walking a couple of hundred meters, I could hear the voices very clear, so clear I knew exactly who they belonged to. I pressed myself up against the wall and carefully looked around the corner. As expected, 4 people from school were standing there. Olivier and Patch were holding one of Max's arms each, with Michael standing in front of them, ready to punch Max in any minute.
"I haven't done anything to her" Max said, responding to what Michael had said the moment before.
"And it better stay like that you fucking weirdo" Oliver said threatening.
"You don't own her, she can make her own choices in life" Max snapped back at them and with that, Michael gave Max a hard punch in the face. As the two boys let go of Max's arms he fell to the ground, screaming in pain. The conversation was now out of control. Without thinking, I ran towards Michael and tackled him to the ground. We both fell and hit the ground hard. A few seconds after the fall, Michael started to yell.
"Get off me" he yelled and I immediately did as he said. Michael was very muscular and aggressive, he could easily break me into two pieces so to do what he says is mostly just common sense. I stood up quickly and looked at the now only two boys standing there with a chocked facial expression. I looked around but Max was nowhere to be seen. Oliver finally understood what just happened and quickly ran to Michael to help him up.
"Michael, are you okay?
"It looked like a lot of fun!" Patch, the dumbest guy in school, said while he started to laugh hysterically.
"It wasn't funny, you idiot" Michael angrily snapped at him, making him stop laughing immediately. "But this guy seemed to enjoy it" he then said and looked at me. He inspected my face carefully, almost as if he tried to remember every detail. His eyes moved around slowly, starting at my forehead and then moved down to my chin, letting his eyes pass every inch of my face. Then suddenly, an expression of realisation spread across his face.
"Brian Garcia, right?" He asked and I nodded.
"Michael Smith, a pleasure to meet you" he said as he smiled spitefully and stretched out his hand. I took his hand shook it, ignoring the fact that we had history together and, because of that, had met so many times before.
"So tell me, why does Brian Garcia think he has the right to attack me?"
"Why do you think you have the right to threaten and then punch someone?" I asked back, trying to stay as calm as possible, when I, on the inside, was boiling of anger.
"Yeah, why do you think you have the right to do that Michael?" Patch said right before Michael punched him slightly in the gut.
"Screw you" Michael said, before he walked away with Oliver and Patch behind him, leaving me alone in the dark.

As I started walking home I heard a voice calling my name.
"Brian... please, help me" the voice was weak but still clear enough for me to understand that it was Max speaking to me. As I rounded the corner of the house I, a minute ago, was fighting Michael behind, I saw a very hurt Max lying on the ground. He way bleeding from his eyebrow and what looked like a black eye had started to form around his left eye.
"Are you okay?" I asked as I sat down next to him.
"I thinks so, but my head hurts a lot and I feel very dizzy. I think I will need help to get home" he responded, holding his hand to his bleeding eyebrow. I carefully helped him stand up and with him giving me the directions to his home, I guided him through the dark city. Luckily it wasn't that far away, so it didn't take too long until we had arrived.

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