I Fucked Up, Mick

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or any dialogue from the show that is used in this fanfiction. Also, I'm not sure, but they might end up being a little OOC. 

Also, I've never been to a Sizzlers so I don't know how it works, so I'm sorry if that's all screwed up. 

This is basically what would have happened if Ian and Mickey had just gone to Ian's house, gotten Mickey a fucking shirt, and went to Sizzlers, because anything after them talking about getting a steak so rare it would scream when Mickey ate it, never fucking happened. Also, Ian never told Sammi about the MP's. 




Ian had never loved Mickey more than he did in this moment. He just hoped Mickey felt the same.




"Oh, hey!" Ian said, his arm thrown around Mickey's shoulder, sides pressed together and smiles on their faces, "We're going on a date."

"Fuck yes, we are," his boyfriend stated. "I'm gonna get a steak so rare, it's gonna scream when I bite it."

Ian looked at him, still smiling, as they both mooed at Sammi. She rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

Ian grabbed Mickey's hand and pulled him up the stairs. 

"Slow the fuck down, Speedy Gonzales! Don't want your drunk ass to trip and fall." He laughed, and Ian was sure it was the most beautiful sound he'd ever hear. 

Mickey flopped down on Ian's bed as Ian searched through his drawers for two nice shirts. He threw one at Mickey and watched as he pulled his jacket off, then his own shirt. Mickey pushed his arms through the slightly too long sleeves of Ian's button up, and Ian didn't know if he wanted to stare more at his abs, or the muscles on his arms. 

"Hurry up, bitch, thought you didn't want to sober up before we got there."

"Thought you wanted me to slow down."

"Shut the fuck up." Mickey laughed again, and Ian changed, not missing how Mickey stared just as hard has he had. 

They washed the blood off their faces and pulled their jackets back on before heading back down the stairs. They walked down the street and Ian knew. He just did. 

Ian had never loved Mickey more than he did in this moment. He just hoped Mickey felt the same. 

"I love you." Mickey froze. Ian was scared. He had heard Mickey's voicemail, but that had been a few weeks ago. What if Mickey didn't feel the same? What if all of Ian's crazy shit had made him fall out of love with him? 

Then Mickey was grabbing the back of his head and pulling him down in to a kiss. Their mouths opened, letting their tongues into each other's mouths and Ian doesn't know how long they stood their for, in the middle of the street, kissing. When they pulled back, their foreheads touching, Mickey whispered, "I love you so fucking much." 

Ian pulled back farther, arm going back around Mickey's shoulder, as they kept walking. 

"How far is the fucking Sizzlers anyway?" Ian asked and Mickey shrugged. 

"I don't know, maybe we should get an Uber or something." Ian nodded, laughing at the way Mickey said Uber. "Shut up, I don't fucking say it weird." 

"Yeah you do, Mick. It's okay. I still love you." Ian smiled, ignoring the glare that Mickey gave him, and using his phone to get an Uber. 

When the Uber arrived they got into the back, Mickey laughing at how Ian stumbled, pulling him inside the car next to him. "You know were the nearest Sizzlers is?" Mickey asked the girl in the front of the car. 

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