Sorry I'm Late

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or any dialogue from the show that is used in this fanfiction. Also, I'm not sure, but they might end up being a little OOC.

I'm not American so I don't know how most of this shit works, so I'm really sorry if legal stuff is messed up.

Honestly, I just need this (or something like this) to happen in season 8.




He sniffed hard, pressing his palms to his eyes. He didn't wanna leave Mickey anymore. He just wanted him.




Ian hated this. Hated how he had left and came back and let Trevor come to Monica's funeral like he wanted to be with him. Hated how Fiona told him she was proud of him. For what? Not going and living with Mickey and being happy? Hated how he didn't defend Mickey when she talked about him, told Debbie and Carl he was never good for him. Hated how Debbie had looked at him, tears in her eyes, when he said nothing to defend him. Hated how he did the same thing when Carl yelled at Fiona, saying Mickey had been better for Ian then she had ever been, before storming up the stairs. Hated his sister, and his mom for giving him these fucked up genes that made Fiona think he wasn't capable of making his own decisions. Hated Sammi for fucking everything up. Hated the fucked up situation. But mostly? He hated himself.

He's never felt this alone before. Not when he was a kid and Monica left him alone on a street corner. Not when he left to the army, and nobody looked for him for months. Not when he couldn't get out of bed, even as he heard Mickey next to him in the bed, shaking breaths revealing that he was trying not to cry. Not even when he slept alone in the psych ward, after months of sleeping next to Mickey. He could only fucking imagine how Mickey felt.

He hoped Mickey was doing better than him. Hoped he was happy. He knew he wasn't.

He talked to Sue. Asked about a way he could get his job transferred. She didn't ask why. He got a prescription from his doctor so he could get a refill of his meds next month when he needed them. He got a passport, and and finalized all the legal shit so he could live and work in Mexico. He packed his shit, bought a plane ticket and called Mandy. She knew where Mickey was.

"Fuck, Mands, you gotta tell me where he is." He sighed, she wasn't going to give the address up easy.

"I don't know what happened, he gave me the address, that's it, but I do know that you were supposed to be with him when he called me. You weren't. Why should I let you be now?" She loved Ian, she really fucking did, but she wasn't letting him break Mickey again.

"I fucked up so bad. Everything I've done since he brought me home has been so fucked up and I never got to apologize. I got a passport and a job transfer, did all the shit so this would be legal. As legal as living with a fugitive could be. I just wanna make it right, and if he wants me to leave, I will."

She gave him the address. He felt a little less alone.

He told Debbie and Carl what he was doing, and he doesn't think he'd seen them that happy in a long time. He told Lip, and Lip looked a little less fucked up than he had since that bitch of a professor fucked with him. Fiona yelled, and told him he could do better, he needed better. He told her he couldn't. She told him not to come back when Mickey got sick of him, and he told her if he came to visit, she wouldn't see him.

"Mickey Mouse?" Liam had asked, giggling. That kid fucking loved Mickey, and Ian still can't believe he let his little brother call him that.

He kissed Liam and Franny on the head, hugged Debbie and Carl, hugged Lip for even longer, and flipped Fiona off. He thinks she might have cried as he walked out the door, but he didn't give a shit.

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