11- Shipping Who?

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*the next morning*

I awoke to being kicked onto the floor by Miller. Instead of being a normal person and saying ow I just laughed my head off and got up. I went to see if my mom was in her office, I needed to ask her something. She's not here and I have no clue where else to look. I walk into her office to sit and wait when I saw a notebook labeled important: haley don't read or you're dead! of course she wrote that. I contemplate whether or not to read it, I decide to not read it in case I get caught. Also she really wants me to be surprised.

"haley what are you doing in here" my mom walks in

"I need to ask you something"

"go ahead"

"do you know I'm friends with one direction"

"I'm your mother haley I know everything about you, of course I do. I figured you would bring it up if you wanted to talk about it"

"well thats it so talk later" good thing I didn't look in the notebook, I wouldve been dead. I walk into my bedroom to see Miller sleeping still. I grab some clothes and go take a shower. I finished my shower and got dressed. I went over to brush and blow dry my hair. The dye was completely washed out of my hair so it's back to its normal color. (this is what her normal hair looks like)

I grabbed my phone and slid down the stairs on the railing, I think it's called

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I grabbed my phone and slid down the stairs on the railing, I think it's called. Who knows?

I was walking into the kitchen checking my text messages. For once the boys haven't texted me, I decide on not bothering to text them. I don't want to seem needy to them. I decide on getting a bowl of Lucky Charms, delicious. You may be wondering why I'm not at school recently, I'm waiting a bit cause I don't want to be bombarded by people asking things.

My birthday is in a week luckily, so in other words Halloween! I still need a costume, it's taking forever for me to decide. You're thinking just use one of the onesies you have, but that's not as fun as getting an actual costume.

*5 days later*

There is 2 days until Halloween and I still have no clue what to be. Me and the boys haven't been talking to each other at all, which is really wierd. I hope it has nothing to do with Louis and the premiere. Maybe it's them thinking that I'd like to spend time with Miller. Oh yeah and Miller was able to move into his new flat sooner than he thought.

It's around lunch time now and it's been quite boring without the boys. I decide on being the first one and text them on the group chat.

Haley: hey guys what are you up to today

Liam is the best person: me zayn and Harry have to record some things for the new album. Not sure about Louis and Niall

Food friend: I'm not doing anything but sitting at home with Louis playing Fifa

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