14-Will You Be My Girlfriend?

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*3 weeks later*

It's been about 3 weeks now and I havnt had any contact with the boys. Niall kept trying to talk to me but after a while he got the hint that I didn't want to talk with them. Miller has officially moved into our house since he got kicked out of his apartment. He's also going to go to college soon at Harvard in the US, definitely going to miss him. So its just going to be me and my mom for a long time.

"so M&M when are you going to college" we are sitting out in the living room watching TV right now.

"after thanksgiving on Saturday" he continues to watch the tv

"that soon, thanksgiving is Friday"

"yeah I wish it wasn't that soon but it's a curse of going to a great school"

"I'm gonna miss you alot" I start getting tears in my eyes just thinking if being completely alone. My mom is away on business quite often or she is working in her office.

"how about instead of thinking of me leaving we just concentrate on right now and spend time together and have a great few days" he turns to face me

"that sounds great" we continue to watch some comedy show, laughing alot.

"hey haley" I hear my mom shout from her office

"yes?" I question back

"would you come here please, it's very important"

"sure mom, I'm coming" I shout back "be right back" I say getting up. I walk into her office to see my mom all flustered pacing and digging through a bunch of things.

"oh good you're here" my mom says noticing my presence.

"so what do you need mom" I sit down on the couch in her office. She goes to close the door and join me.

"I need to explain something super important to you that has to do with work. Promise me you won't freak out" she tells me

"I won't freak out no matter what it is"

"well I have to go away on a buisness trip"

"okaaay, I feel like there's more"

"well I'm going to be gone until late January early February" I sit quietly listening to what she's saying "and well... I leave this Monday"

"mom we barely have any time to spend with each other" I tell her calmly

"I know, I only found out this morning. I've been in here busy sorting things out"

"so what does this all mean"

"well you are going to have to find someone to stay with"

"but I'm 18 mom"

"I don't want you staying alone for that long, I'm sorry"

"but I don't have anyone I know besides you and Miller, and Miller has college"

"what about those boys from one direction"

"well it's complicated, I don't think we're really friends anymore. I definitely don't want to stay with them though"

"can you just try and patch things up with them"

"yeah mom I'll try for you" I walk put and I sigh deeply as I plop onto the couch

"what's got you in a twist Skittles" Miller asks

"I have to find a way and patch my friendship with the boys" I tell him


"I need somewhere to stay and they are the only other people I know"

"well you've got some work to do"

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