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Thank you to everyone reading this. I can't belive we've gotten this book to 126 reads. I never thought it would get past 100 reads. My goal for this was 100 reads and we've surpassed that, so thank you for helping me reach my goal. This is all you guys who have made my goal possible.

Thank you to everyone who enjoys this fanfiction even if you only read some chapters every now and then still thank you. I'm not good at author notes but I can't express how grateful I am for all of you reading the fanfic.

Hold up quick story time:
I was in jcpenneys today and when I walked in perfect was playing (I recorded i, just cause I can) and the last time I went there fireproof was playing (I didn't have my phone with me at that time cause it had to charge at home). I don't know who does the music at the jcp by my house but they are amazing at choosing music. Well that's my story time :)

Love you all and again thank you
~Ana xx

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