13- Date And Tragedies

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(unless I say otherwise it will be haley pov, alright. Also its 2013 instead of 2012 cause it makes this a whole lot easier.)

"should we wake them up" I hear a voice whisper, sounds like Liam's but not sure.

"no they are sleeping when they wake up they'll wake up" I think I heard Zayn's voice

"quick I'm going to take a picture" I heard the sound of he picture which was definitely Harry. "I'm definitely going to tweet this" I heard footsteps leave the room. I slowly wake up to meet face to face with Louis.

"hey" I Louis says to me, my god why is his morning voice so yeah.

"hey to you to" I say sitting up

"so did you sleep well" Harry winks also, what's his deal.

"as good as I can sleep on a couch" I told him laughing "well I'm hungry" I look around the room to see everyone but Niall. "where's Niall"

"kitchen probably" Liam suggests

"hey Niall?" I say as I walk into the kitchen. Sure enough he is in here, where else would he be.

"yes hasey" Niall asks as he opens the fridge grabbing some milk.

"just wondering where you were at" I grab 2 bowls and some coco pops. We sit eating and talking until we're interrupted by the boys calling us to the living room.

"yes, you called" I say as I keep eating my cereal, Niall already finished his.

"have you checked your twitter or any social media yet" Liam asks.

"no" I pull out my phone to check my twitter.

"check what's trending" zayn sighs. I check to see #Naley is trending number 1 worldwide.

"what the heck is this" I ask as I show Niall my phone so he knows what I'm talking about. Liam turns on the tv to reveal a celeb news channel.

"next we'll be talking about the new couple who go by the ship name Naley" the announcer says. I sit down in the couch with everyone else to watch what's happening. "and we're back! Now if you havnt heard about Naley by know you clearly havnt been on any social media recently. Naley is the ship name of the famous member of one direction Niall Horan with Haley Leighton. Who is Haley Leighton, she is the new found friend of one direction" the TV starts to show various pictures of me, at least some of them I really like. "she is a very well known YouTuber with over 9 million subscribers and blogger with millions of people who read her blogs" wait since when did I have so many subscribers and readers of my blog. It shows on the TV all my social media and YouTube channel. "we discovered this new sparking romance from pictures of lasts nights events with them" it shows me and the boys getting in the car and going inside my house, still don't see any evidence. Then it shows me and Niall getting in my car and arriving at the park. It next shows many pictures of us when we were arguing and yelling at each other. I spot out my cereal already knowing where this was going, I quickly recomposed myself and continued watching. I wasn't really prepared for what was next, it shows a picture of me and Niall kissing from last night. I turn to face the boys and see Louis so upset and he runs out and slams the door. It then shows me and Niall playing in that puddle kicking all the water around. "I don't know about you but I think one of the boys could possibly have a new girlfriend. Here is how the fans are responding to this new romance. It starts showing different tweets from fans saying different things like:

I ship Naley so much, they're so cute together. NALEY FOR LIFE!!

it's about time they got together, I've been awaiting this for sooooo long

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