Fun Times In Lebanon

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About a week passed with you at the bunker. Sometimes it was awkward, especially with Dean. You generally tried to either rest or help Sam research. You still couldn't think of the name of the demon that possessed you. Not fully at least, but the letter L was getting some gears going. What you and Sam were mostly concerned about was finding a spell to summon him and get some answers. You were trying to keep an eye on your tattoo, hoping it would heal quickly. At the very least, you knew you were safe in the bunker.
"Sam, how long have we been in here?" you prompted. At this point you were sharing a table in the library surrounded by spell books and demon history.
Sam checked his watch. "Bout four hours. Why?" Dean had to have been asleep by now. He'd been sleeping a lot since the second trial- which he completed three days ago.
"I'm sure you know as well as I do that I'm getting sick of manual control F mode. Can we just pause for a bit?" you asked.
Sam shut several books after marking his place in each one. "Course. What do you want to do?"
This was a pretty regular routine you'd gotten into. You would research for hours, then when you were ready to stop for the night, you'd tell Sam it was time to stop too. Sometimes you'd just go to your rooms and go to sleep, other times you'd sit and watch a movie together. This time you were tired of being tired. You wanted to go out. You wanted to take Sam up on the offer to go out and have fun at a bar. "Can I take you up on that raincheck?" you asked, hoping he would remember.
He snickered and smiled, so you took it as a yes. "Let's go," he said.
You followed him out to the garage where his Charger was parked and climbed into the passenger seat. "Nowhere crowded. I want a classic, low key place. Pool tables, darts, all that good stuff," you told him as he pulled out onto the main road.
"I know just the place," he said happily. And you could tell he was genuinely happy. For all the shit you knew he had seen, it meant a lot that you could make him feel that way.
Your night at the bar with Sam consisted of just that. He took you somewhere with pool and darts, which you engaged in upon first arriving at the bar. Then once you'd had a couple drinks, you sat down in a booth and talked, trying to keep the conversation light. After a couple more drinks, you decided to order food and get a meal in your stomach before heading back to the bunker- trying to avoid any really heavy drinking. You were somewhat tipsy, but since Sam was so much larger than you, he was fine to drive back. Your slight intoxication did make for a fun ride back of you singing classic rock songs really loudly and off-key. You could see Sam cringing, but he was also smiling and laughing at you the whole time. By the time you had arrived back at the bunker, you had sung the rest of the alcohol out of your system, but still couldn't help laughing at yourself.
After Sam turned off the car, he came around to open the door for you and help you out, the gentleman that he was. "I hope you had as much fun as I did tonight," he said, the two of you still standing by the car. "I hardly ever get nights like that."
You smiled. "Me neither. Just part of being a hunter. At least for me, ever since the Roadhouse."
"Yeah..." Sam wasn't too surprised you were part of the Roadhouse network- almost every hunter that had been around then was. He tried not to think of the bittersweet memory of the Harvelle women. "Anyway, I'm glad I got to take you out. I mean, on the town. Just let me know if you ever want to go another time."
"Yeah, I will."
The two of you gazed silently at each other for a few moments before Sam started to lean down. He seemed to pause about three quarters of the way in, in case you wanted an out. But you didn't move an inch. Soon enough, his lips were on yours, and you couldn't deny that you felt real chemistry. Not quite fireworks level yet, but definitely sparks. You leaned up on your tiptoes to get closer, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him into an embrace. It felt like something you'd always fantasized about but knew you'd never get. It was magical- well, the most magical a first kiss with someone could get. Sam placed his hands on your hips, pulling away from you after some time. His expression was dazed, but in the best way. "Maybe it's time to turn in," he murmured.
"Yeah," you replied, and you couldn't help the grin on your face.
"I'll, uh, walk you to your room," he said, trying to gain the normal husk in his tone back.
The walk to your room was mostly quiet, but in a comfortable way. Once you reached your destination, you turned around to look at Sam. "Goodnight Sam," you told him, your lips half curled up in a smile.
"Goodnight, [Y/N]," he said, and you could tell he was holding back his own smile.
Just before you turned to open your door, both you and Sam leaned in at the same time to steal another quick kiss. Which became not-so-quick and lasted several seconds. You had to restrain yourself from placing your hands in his hair and holding him practically lip-hostage. You could tell he was doing the same, though. "Ok, night," you said, forcing yourself to pull away and get inside your room before too much else.
Once in your room you leaned back against the door and sighed. You were kind of mad at yourself for feeling so giddy like you were in some kind of Nicolas Sparks movie. You quickly got over yourself and got ready for bed, climbing in and going to sleep as soon as you could.
Sam's head dipped between your legs and he ran his tongue over your folds. Goddamn, that felt good. Where did he get this kind of expertise? You moaned and writhed on the bed, but suddenly he stopped. You lifted your head to look down at him, but when you did it was no longer Sam. Instead you saw Dean, smiling up at you. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asked. You squirmed away from him-
And that's when you woke up. Alone. In your own room. At- you checked the clock on your bedside table- four in the morning. Great. No, I can't be having wet dreams about both of them, you told yourself. But if you were completely honest, you probably shouldn't even be having wet dreams about one of them. Hunting was not a life that allowed for romantic relationships. Let alone with the Winchesters.
You tried to go back to sleep, but to no avail. And you knew that no matter how hard you tried, you wouldn't be able to. Not after that dream. So you got up and walked the halls of the bunker, coming upon a file room. You wondered why they would need a separate file room when they had an entire library. Being the snoopy hunter you were, you ventured inside to look around, scanning the labels on the boxes lined up on the shelves. When you reached the back of the room, the metal shelves weren't completely straight in the center, they were angled in to each other. That's odd... When you tried to pull them forward, they just settled back into their place. Instead, you pushed them, discovering that they were secret doors to some other room- you couldn't see what it was. Just pitch black. At least, it was pitch black until you stepped inside. Your motion set off the lights, illuminating the room. Not just any practical room, however. It was a dungeon. There was a devil's trap cemented into the concrete, and a chair at the very center- designed to keep someone trapped. Essentially a torture chamber for any supernatural being.
You immediately turned around to leave, but couldn't get out of the circle. It was as if an invisible wall was keeping you from escaping.
"No..." you said out loud. "No. No. No... SAM! DEAN!" you screamed desperately, hoping they could hear you. "SAM! DEAN!" you screamed over and over again until your voice began to weaken and you fell to the ground. Luckily, you heard footsteps running towards you. "SAM! DEAN!" you yelled one last time so they could find you.
Once they entered the room and saw you, they dropped their guns. "It's not what it looks like," Sam began to say.
"It's not that... I can't get out," you whimpered, beginning to cry. "He's still inside me..."
At that moment, the boys knew. The demon had never let you go. He had taken a joyride in your meat suit for months, only letting you take control again when you had been locked away so long you didn't know what was going on. And you led him right to the Winchesters. Right to their safe house. Dean and Sam shared a look, not knowing what to say or do.
That's when you started laughing. "You know, it was hard to find this one," your body said. But it wasn't you. It was Lido. The demon that rode you. "But as soon as I realized she had a connection to a Winchester, I knew I could actually use her. Guess I should've paid more attention- I mean, look where I am now. Point Winchester."
"Which one are you?" Sam asked angrily.
"The name's Lido, kid. Not that it matters. I mean I only know everything about your safe house. Got plenty of time before I'm going anywhere. Maybe I'll share it with a friend or two."
"Or we could just exorcise you right now and send you back to Hell, you son of a bitch," Dean spat.
"Go ahead. Try," Lido said matter-of-factly.
Sam could tell Dean was about to begin running his mouth, so he placed an arm in front of him, signaling he better not. "And why wouldn't we?" Sam asked.
"Well, I came across a lovely little spell. Probably nothing you'd be familiar with. It's not a bonding spell, so much as a... cuffing spell. You send me back to Hell, her soul comes with me. And I don't think you're willing to sacrifice this pretty little one for little ole me, are you boys?" Sam and Dean said nothing- they had nothing to say. "Especially not you, Dean, I mean after what happened between you and [Y/N] three years ago." No please, don't! You pleaded Lido. Your meatsuit laughed, as if to ask why he shouldn't. Please, don't, you've already tortured me enough.
"What's so funny to you, huh?" Sam asked.
"Can't say. She doesn't want me to," Lido said. "But nothing is stopping Dean from sharing with the rest of the class." Please, stop this, you begged from inside.
"Dean, what's he talking about?" Sam asked, and you could hear in his voice that he was afraid to know the answer.
"Go on Dean, tell your brother about what happened after the job you worked with [Y/N]."
"I don't have to listen to you," Dean spat angrily. "Now you let her go."
"Or what? You'll kill me with your demon blade? You'll kill her, too. Can't exorcise me. Nope, you don't thing she belongs in Hell. Can't torture me- you'll only be carving into this meatsuit. So what'll it be? Hm?"

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