The Woman and the Musketeers

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This is the first story I have ever wrote on Wattpad. It is based on The Musketeers. Also it has a twist, I had a dream about this story and now I want to write about it. I apologise in advance, if my spelling isn't perfect!

Chapter 1 the arrival of the strange woman


“Aramis a letter has arrived for you, here you go”.

“Thanks Bazin”. (Aramis’s servant). Aramis opened the letter and it contained:

 You have made me resent the musketeers even more, I also hated musketeers any way, they are so annoying but there is one musketeer in particular that I hate and that is you! . You are going to have to watch your back, you never know I may be watching you and you won’t even know it. You shouldn't have killed the one I love, she meant the whole world to me and then you killed her. When the king and Queen find out they won’t be happy when they hear about what you have done. Meet me at the docks at midday if you aren't there, you will watch your friends die and there death won’t be pretty”


Aramis looked at the letter again and then called Porthos over, Porthos read the letter and said “Aramis what have you done this time? Have you killed someone? You know when Captain Treville hears about this he would want answers!! Do you even have any answers? Aramis are you even listening to me?” Aramis thought about it and then said to Porthos “I haven’t got any answers I don’t know what I have done. I think someone is trying to frame me, Porthos I beg you, you can’t tell anyone ok! Porthos nodded and gave a confused look. Then a strange women walked in the ground where the musketeers would train and where Aramis and Porthos were standing. The women had a black cloak over herself and a hood covering her face. On the right of her you could see she had a Musket and a rapier. The gun looked like it was loaded. She shouted out and said “Where is

Aramis?” she had long straight brown hair due to the hood you still couldn't see her face. Aramis and Porthos gave a strange to each other and Aramis replied “Who are you?” the women replied “you will find out in time but not now, I have heard what you have done, you could say I don’t believe you would do such thing but whatever you do, do not I repeat DO NOT go to the docks it is a trap.” Aramis couldn't believe what he was hearing, Aramis walked closer to the women then stopped a few metres away from her, he couldn't see her face it was well hidden. Aramis replied with caution “How do you know about this? How do I know I can trust what I am hearing?” The women didn't say anything she turned her back and started walking away, then Aramis got his musket and pointed it at the women “I demand to know more!” Strange black figures were appearing on the roofs around the two musketeers, then the women replied “if you dare and try to shoot me my men will shoot you and your friend before you even pull the trigger” “Trust me I have got your back and your friend next to you and your other musketeer friends I believe their names are Athos and D’artagnan   don’t worry they will be safe”. The women whistled and walked away and so did the strange figures left. Porthos gave a strange look to Aramis and then said “Aramis we should warn the captain and the others they would want to know”. Aramis ran after the women but she was gone, he turned back to see Porthos then out of the blue a letter flew out of the sky and landed a couple metres away from Aramis and Porthos.  Aramis walked over and picked up the letter on the front it said Aramis. He then opened it and it said:

Aramis, don’t worry I have got your back even though I am women I am very skilled, even Captain will know me!!! See you soon


Aramis said to Porthos “gather the others, meet me in the courtyard I will be with the captain”. Porthos nodded and walked away to find the others. Captain was in his house in the court yard and was sorting out papers when Aramis burst it. Captain looked up and then said “what is the meaning of this?” Aramis slammed the letter onto the desk where Captain was sitting and then Captain picked it up and said what do you want me to say? Aramis said what does the BL mean? In the letter she mentioned you would know who she is? Captain please tell me, if you know anything it would really help”. The Captain said nothing he gave a worried look to Aramis then he asked “what did she tell you?” Aramis told the captain everything and he kept nodding.  The others joined Aramis and Captain and then the captain said I will send Athos and D’artagnan to the dock you guys stay with me. Athos and D’artagnan went to the dock and D’artagnan said “what has Aramis got himself into?” Athos shrugged and said “sshhh we have to keep a low profile look over there, I remember that guy I have seen him before, I…… I can’t remember his name oh I wish I could remember his name –

Athos forget about the name, who is he?

 Athos said “That guy over there, next to the massive ship with all the jewels on it. This guy is extremely rich and he has his owns his own land, He has guards watching his land in towers I mean really high towers and they are fire resistant and everything else resistant. The towers protects the castle  and then a wall behind the towers and then loads I mean loads of towers behind the wall, then the castle, obviously he has gates otherwise he can’t get out, but if the guards spot any one trespassing they either inform him and they remember everything about you, features, clothing everything, he even has a particular artists to draw what the guards are describing then normally he looks at the picture and stores it in his mind, then he tracks you down, I don’t know how he does it but he does and if he finds you in this case is really likely more or less he has found Aramis, he will kill him and everyone else  will suffer as well. On the other hand if the guard spot you, they will normally have a sniper ready to be fired and they shoot you on the spot and it is rarely they miss, there accuracy is incredible!” D’artagnan couldn't believe what he had just heard. He slowly scanned the rich man and then said quietly “yeah I see what you mean by rich, he looks like he is a king”. Athos replied “the thing is, he isn't a king at all”. D’artagnan didn't say anything. The rich man looked at his watch and then he pointed to his men and pointed to different directions and then Athos said “let’s get out of here and warn the others” D’artagnan nodded and they ran back to the courtyard. Athos burst into the courtyard and said “they are not in a good mood, he has men scattered around Paris and he sent them in different directions and we have to be ready!” Porthos and Athos and D’artagnan said “we will defend you not matter what, All for one and one for all. Everyone stepped outside ready to fight while Aramis walked up and down the courtyard trying to think what he has done, then out of the blue a black figure came out of nowhere and slipped a letter on the table when Aramis blinked the black figure disappeared in a flash he picked up the letter and it contained:

Don’t worry I am already waiting for them, look outside


Aramis looked outside the window and saw black figures creeping on the roofs ready to fight. Then out of nowhere the next the rich man’s army burst in through the ground and then Aramis ran outside and then he heard the whistle the same one he heard when that strange women was around and the black figures started moving and they assassinated all of the rich man’s men in a flash and then they were gone and then Aramis and the other musketeers heard gun fire and they ran outside of the courtyard and towards the town and all the rich man’s men were dead. Porthos said “wow this women is good, Aramis you are one lucky man to of met this women”. Aramis secretly said to himself “yeah I am really lucky, I hope she comes back and we see each other again”. Another letter appeared from the sky and landed on Aramis is hat and Aramis grabbed the letter and it contained:

Aramis, don’t worry I will be back, I will always be around, you won’t even know it, keep your eyes peeled.


 Aramis closed the letter and tucked in his shirt and called out to the other Musketeers and said “I am hungry let’s get something to eat”.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter there is a lot more action and mysteriousness and romance in the following chapters. Read on and you won’t want to stop reading.



The Woman and the Musketeers (SLOW EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now