Who Is This Strange Woman?

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Chapter 3 Who Is This Strange Woman?

A week later

A letter was sent to the cardinal Richelieu, who is one of the most powerful men in France apart from the king of course. The cardinal opened the letter and read it and I contained:

Dear sir or madam,

I have heard reports you have hung a woman who apparently was the gallery’s owners wife, I am asking for 4,000 gold coins for the payment of fixing the gallery. The owner couldn't write this himself because he is still in shock.


I am also writing to say, you hung the wrong person, she didn't do it, she would never do such an awful thing, she was my sister and you killed her!  If you hurt anyone else and killed them and get it wrong, France and you will be dead!!!

Louis Van- Mellow

The cardinal face shot up and his faced looked like he has been stabbed and now he is falling to pieces,” get me Captain Treville NOW!” Two red guards came into the Captain’s office and one of them said “the cardinal will like to speak to you now and it is important”. “For one you should knock next time and if he needs me he can send me a letter”.  Captain Treville gathered his things and walked to the castle and walked in the room where the Cardinal was working on his papers “what do you want Cardinal”. The Cardinal handed the letter he was sent to the Captain and then said we had all the evidence to kill the woman she tried to kill one of my musketeers”! The cardinal looked and up and he didn't look pleased and said “Captain, if this ever I mean EVER! Happens again I will make sure you and your musketeers will be punished, do you hear me!!” The captain nodded and walked out of the room then when he went back to working in his office. He sat down and wrote a letter to the mysterious woman who keeps appearing out of the shadows, he wrote:

I need to talk to you, in private get here at soon as possible and we need to talk about something, mainly to do with the Queen and the Cardinal.

Captain Treville

Captain shouted “JONNA”. Jonna came rushing into the captain’s office and Captain Treville told him to send it to the mysterious woman and send it by horse and Captain Treville told Jonna to do it now. Jonna knew which woman he was talking about and he left and jumped on his horse and rode off to deliver the letter.

Jonna delivered the letter and rode back to the courtyard and knocked on the office door and Captain said “Come in”. Jonna didn’t have to say anything Captain nodded and Jonna left. Aramis limped in, Captain looked up and said “Is your leg getting better?” Aramis nodded and then said Captain you never told me who she was” Captain then said, “you better sit down” Aramis sat down and then Captain Treville started to Explain “The strange woman is an assassin and she is a musketeer, I can’t tell you her real name because I promised I wouldn't tell anyone so in this case she calls herself BL. She is very talented, she is a musketeer for Queen Anne’s sister, Jane. Queen Jane has only one musketeer and it is only BL, BL trains others to help watch over Queen Jane, but recently Queen Jane has become ill and Queen Jane has released BL from her duties and now BL is a free woman. Over time she has been a great assassin and she trains others to help her conquer her missions and she is very good at being quiet, she may be in this room listening to us and we won’t even know it. She is a very fast woman, you blink and she is gone, you turn your back she disappears, same thing happens, she likes to protect people she likes and has connections to. Like you for starters you are a musketeer and so is she. She has had a rough time since she was a child her mother and father died, they died in a house fire, apparently she went to get breakfast for the family and she came back and her mother and father burnt to death and she watched it happen. Before they died they adopted a boy, he was a year older than her, he was lucky he was saved while the house was burning, the parents were trapped in their bedroom. They became so close, they were like brother and sister, until he was shot while protecting her and he was treated but after he was healed he promised her that he would come back to protect her but he never came back for her. She was an outsider so she lives in the woods until this day. She has a family in the woods, well more or less other outsiders”. Aramis said “yeah she really has had a hard time”. A movement came through the shadows and Aramis noticed and said “you can come out you know, you don’t have to hide, I lost my parents too when I was child, please we should get to know each other”. The voice said “Captain Treville I see you have told him my story, then she said Aramis you know enough about me and I know a lot about you, I have been watching you for a while ever since I have heard your name I always hear, Aramis the great warrior and a great flirter as well you know how to catch a woman out”. Aramis chuckled and said “well you do know a lot about me then!” Captain said to Aramis “could I have a private word with the Lady” Aramis nodded and then he opened the door and then said “We should speak more often, maybe in person that would be nice”. Aramis walked outside and joined the other musketeers. The woman came out of the shadows and sat down she took down her hood so Captain Treville could see her face. “Wow you haven’t changed one bit since I last met you, you are still stunning as ever, and you have your mother’s eyes the beautiful green eyes that look like the gem jade and the same straight brown hair like your dad, I see you have the brown streaks they have been there ever since you were a child”. The woman said “Captain you haven’t changed much either, still as handsome as ever! You said you wanted to chat about the Cardinal and the Queen, you know ever since Queen Jane have release me from my duties I always remember how it used to be, serving the highest authority and risking my life for hers, it was great being with Queen Jane. When she became ill I knew it was the end for me, she gave me lots of money and I use it to help my family and buy better weapons!!” Captain chuckled a bit and then he said “I have a proposition for you, would you like to work for Queen Anne?” the woman’s face lit up in delight and she smiled and then said “I would be honored!”  Captain Treville smiled and then said “that is settled” and she said but I still have to look after my people, I don’t know, I can protect the queen but I can’t do it full time I have my family”. Captain Treville nodded and said “I understand I will explain it to the queen but tomorrow will be a big day, she wants to meet you in person and she will determine if you are a good enough musketeer. Bluebell ,- Nobody has called me that in ages, Captain I don’t want to be reminded of that name, I don’t respond to that name ever since my parents died I told myself I will never be called by that name. Captain looked in her eyes and said “Bluebell you aren't a nobody, you are Bluebell and that is why you abbreviate your name to BL, no one would know it would be you and no one has to know it is your name what about you can be called Blue and no one will ever call you Bluebell I promise. I will tell the Queen you are just called Blue. Is that alright?” Blue nodded and then she said “Where I live, everybody calls me Blue! You also wanted to talk about the Cardinal, I have heard he had a talk about what happened to the woman and he had a go at you, We have to watch the Cardinal, he is a powerful man but if he steps out of line he has me to deal with and if he has a go at you for no reason or any of the others he won’t be seeing daylight again”. Captain and Blue both started to laugh and then she lifted her hood and stood up then she said I will see you tomorrow at the castle, please tell the others I don’t want them to be there, they will see me around but not all the time, Captain Thanks for the chats see you at midday”. Captain Treville stood up and then he said “I will tell the others that they can’t come but I look forward for tomorrow”. She nodded and left the cavern in a flash. The captain walked down the steps of from the cavern and the musketeers looked at Captain and Athos said “Aramis has told everything about the woman, one thing Captain is she trustworthy?” Captain then said “she will be at the castle tomorrow, she will meet the Queen but she has said to me, she doesn't want any of you present”. Then D’artagnan said “that isn't fair, we want to know what we are dealing with and tomorrow we would want to see what she is like in person”. Captain said “she might come to the ground and then she may want to duel with one of you and then she may leave, oh by the way she won’t be here all the time she has other matters to deal with but she has also requested while she is absent you have to look after the Queen as well!” Everybody nodded and got back to their work.

Next day

It is midday and the musketeers were dueling with each other and having competitions to see who is the strongest and Captain got on his horse and said “I will be back soon don’t injure yourselves, especially you Aramis, I know your leg hasn’t completely healed but it may hit you with extreme pain so don’t overdo it.” Aramis nodded and Captain Treville nodded and rode off to the castle. Blue was waiting for Captain Treville and she waited for him next to the entrance of the castle. Captain dismounted from his horse and walked over to Blue “are you ready”. Blue nodded and behind the main doors the Queen and King were waiting for her. Blue breathed in and out and she took of her clock and she wore elegant woman’s clothing and of course on her right hand side she had her musket and her rapier. Captain Treville looked at Blue and said “you aren't going to stab anyone with those weapons are you” She whispered back “No I am not that mad!” The doors opened and looking straight in front of her the King and Queen sat look elegant as usual and Blue and Captain Treville walked in. The king immediately said “Welcome…. Um what is your name if you don’t mind me asking?” Blue looked at Captain Treville and then looked back at the King and Queen. Blue then said “My name is Blue”. The king then said “nice to meet you Blue, I see you are here because you want to be my lovely Queen’s musketeer and I don’t need any information Captain has told me everything and the Queen and I have agreed we want you to become her musketeer!” Blue smiled and then said “Thank you, your majesties.” The Queen then said “you have served my sister and she highly recommended you and she sent me a letter and she says you can’t be around me all the time, if you disappeared I will understand I am still guarded by my husband’s musketeers as well,  I bet you will get on with them just fine. The Queen smiled and then the King said “you are now excused.” Blue and Captain Treville walked out the castle and then they were both smiling and then Captain said “do you want to have a duel with one of my fine warriors?” Blue then said happily “I would love to see how strong your warriors are!!” they both laughed and Blue put her cloak back on and they both left walking to the court yard.  They finally reached the courtyard and then she pushed her hood back and all the musketeers looked and the first one to say anything was Aramis “you are stunning I can’t believe you haven’t shown us your beautiful face before”. She then said “thanks for the compliment, I want to have a duel with someone and I want Aramis to have a duel with me”. Aramis nodded and he got ready and she drew her rapier and Aramis did the same instantly she struck and Aramis was surprised, “wow you are strong especially for a woman!” “Are you saying woman are weak, how insulting”. “I don’t mean it like that. “It doesn’t matter”. Blue was very quick, in a couple of seconds Aramis was kneeling and Blue’s rapier was at his throat. “See I am the stronger one here.” Then Blue lifted her rapier from Aramis is throat and Aramis stood up and Blue said “I have to go”. Aramis grabbed her wrist and then said “tell me your name before you go” Blue looked in Aramis is eyes and then she said “my name is Blue”. Aramis nodded and then said “nice name”. Blue smiled and then she whistled and her horse came, she mounted and she said happily “I look forward to meeting you guys again”. She rode off as the sun was setting and Porthos said “I like Blue she is a nice woman, can’t believe she is a musketeer and an assassin!” Captain Treville said happily “she is a great girl, if you get to know her more, you will love her by the end of it. Aramis looked at the Captain and the other musketeers and then he said “I fancy that drink now!” Porthos smiled and they all sat down and had some beer.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed that chapter!! There is a lot more to come, especially more romance!!

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