What about Now?

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Kate's POV:

Arriving at the Vanishing Point, was unexpected only cause of the pure fact that I was so worried about Mick and what he as been through they must have put him through hell. I walk up to Ray Palmer and I say "Will Mick be the same, or did they really take him and make him cronos?" Ray looks at me holds my shoulders and says "Kate listen to me, I don't know how Mick is but even if they tortured him I am sure it won't change the fire in him or even it does we will fix him and make him better take him out of the trance they have him under." Hearing ray say this made me so at ease only cause he is my best friend on the wave-rider I mean besides Sara Lance we get along on a, Murdery type of level.

Mick's POV:
I hate these time masters with a passion if I had my heat gun, it would be over but that's just me they tired to brainwash me into believing that my friends aren't my friends but they are more like my enemies but I know that the true meaning of "Keep your Friends close but enemies closer." That is saying something there are only a few of people I trust on the Wave-Rider I can only count them on my one hand, that being Snart and Kate that is it has far as the others go, I do not know maybe that part of my Crono's brain is still like maybe they are the enemy but the other part of my brain is like maybe not. Honestly at this point I need to get out of this room and away from the vanishing point but I need a time master to come in here cause it is a god damn one way door.. Waiting here is going to fucking kill me what do I do just punch the door no, that is dumb plus I do not want to break my hand.

The way the legends are trapped only really left them with one option, and that was for the one person who knew the time masters to "trick" them into letting us out trying to convince Rip to do anything at all was the hard part the time masters hated him, and it was more a love hate relationship they used to like Rip before he decided too pirate a ship to chase down Vandal Savage the immortal man, enough with this back story lets jump back into the cluster fuck that is attempting to save Mick Rory.

Kate's POV:

Trying to talk to Rip about tricking the time masters was like talking to a wall only because of the utter fact he would not bother to listen to me, he keeps trying to break out of these prison bars they have us in is impossible so I grab Rip's arm and turn him toward me since unfortunately we are trapped in one together I look at him and yell in his face "LISTEN, I DO NOT LIKE YELLING OR GETTING AGGRESSIVE BUT RAY CAME UP WITH A PRETTY AMAZING PLAN TO GET US OUT OF THESE CAGES SO RIP DO ME A FAVOR AND FUCKING LISTEN!!" He looked at me shocked then said "Wow, Mrs. Funk I see why Rory as taken an interest in you, I am willing to hear out Mr. Palmer's plan but it will be quite difficult if the reason we are here is because they want to kill me, and if they as well as succeed then they will end up ending all of your live's as well I had a plan too but if you do not want to hear it then I will keep it too myself." Wow I feel like a big idiot that is the one thing that did not click in my head, was the fact the time masters were chasing us in the first place was cause Captain Hunter was now known as a time pirate, and now the fact that they want to kill him but more or less kill all of us, kind of puts things into perspective. "Rip, I am sorry I did not mean to get so hostile, it is I have never been in one of these situations before and lets be honest, I am freaking out but I will hear your plan." He then proceeded to tell me his plan, but we where rudely interrupted by one of the time masters Rip knew from before they hated him he did not say anything just opened the cell and took Rip to his Sentencing.

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