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-The next day-
"Guys!" Said asuka
"Yes?" we said
"I'm so dying alone" she said while we roll our eyes
"That's like that billion time I've heard you say that since yesterday" said Jiwoo shaking her head
"It's true" she says while dramatically laying on the couch
"Stop being so dramatic" said SeoYeon pushing Asuka off the couch
"Hey!" Said Asuka while we all laugh
"I'll get it" I said
"Oh hello manager Cha" she said while bowing
"Hello" she said
"May I speak with you for a second" she said without a smile which made me very worried
"Did I do something wrong?" I said nervously
"Umm well... I don't know how to say this" she said nervously while I'm legit so scared
"You know how BTS company and ours are working on how to tell the fans about Jin and Nari" she said
"Uh yeah?" I said
At this point I'm so confused
"Well.. since the 5 ladies debut is still recent it hasn't been 3 years of no dating and since we already let Nari and Jin date..." she said
At this point if she didn't hurry up I'm gonna have a heart attack because she is making me so nervous right now
"We can't let any more of you guys date" she said
I looked at her in shock
"Which means you and Jim-" she said But I Interrupted her
"Which means Jimin and I can't date right?" I said
"And Namjoon and Jiwoo can't either" I said
She just stood their looking at me with a sad expression
"I-I'm sorry" she said quietly
"Bts company doesn't want anymore dating for awhile and you guys just debut..." she said
I looked at her with no emotion for about a minute until I fell on the floor and burst into tears. I'm so sick of crying but I couldn't stop, my heart hurt and my head was spinning. I felt like I was shot in the heart and I hear someone speak but everything is blurry I can't see or hear anything
"MINA!" She said in shock going to the floor to comfort me
"What's happing? I heard a thud" i said
"MINA?!" I say as I see her on the ground crying with manager cha
I run towards Them and get on the floor
"What happened? Is she okay?" I said freaking out
"Physical yes.. but I told her some bad news" said manager cha
"Nari could you not yell I'm trying to watch tv" said Asuka as I roll my eyes
"Holy! What happened" she says while telling the other girls
"Asuka I swear if you broke something again" said Jiwoo coming with SeoYeon
This point Mina isn't responding just crying.
"Oh my god" said Jiwoo and SeoYeon coming toward us also on the floor
"Give her some air" said Manager cha moving us
"Did she break something? Should we call the ambulance?!" Said Jiwoo freaking out
"No nothing like that she is j-" manager cha was saying then Mina got up
I got up and started walking to go upstairs
"Where are you going?" I heard them say
"U-upstairs" I said leaving
I get upstairs go into my room lock the door and did the same thing I did when Jimin wouldn't talk to me cry and cry more. My
Body physically hurts, He finally starts talking to me and says he loves me and now...
"I feel horrible" I said
"I'm still confused, what happened?" Asuka asked
I told the girls everything and I look at Nari and I could tell she felt guilty even though it's not her fault and Jiwoo seemed upset
"Nari it's not your fault" I said rubbing her back
"Jiwoo I'm-im so sorry" said Nari very upset
"Umm it's fine.... Namjoon and I said we are gonna just be friends until he's less busy and are dating rule is gone" she said with a small smile
"I-i should check on her" said Nari but I pull her back
"Girls listen carefully, give Mina sometime to be alone" I said
"B-but" said the girls
"No buts! I know you guys love her but she needs time to herself" I said
"What time is it?" I asked
"Like 1:00pm I think" said SeoYeon
"Oh no I'm late! I gotta go goodbye" I said while running out of the house
I feel horrible... Mina has to suffer for my happiness. I feel l-
"Nari! Hello? Nari snap out of it" said Asuka waving her hands infront of my face
"Sorry what?" I said awkwardly
"I can tell you feel bad but it's not your fault! I don't blame you and I know Mina doesn't either" said Jiwoo
They were all trying to make me feel better but It wasn't working...
"I'm gonna go see how Mina is" I said
"But manager cha said" said SeoYeon
"Just for a second. You guys come too" I said convincing them
We walked carefully upstairs, then to her room and when we get close enough all you can hear is crying and her throwing objects I think..My heart fell to the floor, I felt so guilty and awful
"We should go" said Jiwoo pulling me away
-Dinner time-
I've been on the ground for some hours... I've stopped crying but then every time I think about Jimin I start again. I wonder how Jimin feels? Does he know? I mean he hasn't texted me....
"Mina please come to dinner with us!" Said Asuka banging outside me door
"No thanks" I said
"Common please! You haven't ate yet and you've been in that room for hours" she said
"No thanks" I said while I hear asuka walking away
Am I being dramatic? No! Am I? No I'm not. I mean I've been though so much crap about this Jimin situation and right when we confess our feelings it gets smashed right in front of my face.
"Mina... please come out" said Nari
"I feel so bad just please come out" she said
"Don't feel bad it's not your fault and I'm fine in my room" I said holding back tears
"Okay..." she said while leaving
I look outside my window and I see the girls leaving and I unlock my room and go into the kitchen because I'm hungry. Then I get a text from...Jimin acting normal! Hmm does he not know?

Ill call Manager Cha
Manager: oh Mina! How are you feeling?
Mina: I'm okay... Did you tell J-Jimin yet?
Manager: oh shoot no! I got so busy today I forgot
Mina: May I tell him?
Manager: uh okay? Are you sure though
Mina: Yeah I wanna do it
Manager: Mina I know you don't wanna hear this but, but you guys need to distance yourselves for a bit
Mina: I know. Um goodbye

Call ended

Screw my life...
How the hell am I gonna tell Jimin?

Hiiiiiii! It seems like Jimin and Mina always have a problem😬

I have nothing against dieting but I hate seeing already thin idols (male & female) dieting to become even skinnier😳 like if your dieting to become underweight then it makes me sad😪do what makes you happy but try to stay healthy💕 if Jimin is st...

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I have nothing against dieting but I hate seeing already thin idols (male & female) dieting to become even skinnier😳 like if your dieting to become underweight then it makes me sad😪do what makes you happy but try to stay healthy💕 if Jimin is still a weight that is good for his body type then yay! But if he is under the weight someone like him should be then💔🤐 STAY HEALTHY!!!

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