I was in my room at a place i hate so much. I was reading one of the books i had in my room, i heard on the intercom for me to come down for an interview, so i got my book and took it with me. I was wearing this
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I got to the interview room and sat in the chair in front of me, i was reading untill i heard the door open, i looked up to see the steve rogers i just wated for him to ask me a question, he asked me my name i sayed it was sammy, but you can call me sam. He then asked about my parent's i told him, my mom died when i was 11 from a car crash, and i dont know my dad. Steve then told me to pack my bags because i was going to live with him and the Avengers. I went up to my room and started to pack all of my stuff, books, laptop, phone, clothes, shoes, and my locket that my mom gave me because it was from my dad. I went down the stairs and meet steve by the car, it was a Bugatti.
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We got in the car and went to stark tower. I was reading on the way there, steve asked me why i like to read so much i told him "i dont know my mom sayed my dad like to read as well. I have been reading books like this since i was 5." He looked at me surprised that i can read a college book at five. When we got to the tower it was 7:30 so i went to my room tony gave me and went to bed.
8:30pm nightmare
It was dark with only a light on me i yelled "HELLO!!" no one answered i heard someone say "you are so weak for a girl form your realm" i asked the voice its name but no answer. I was getting scared and started to panic and i heard someone say my name. I sat up in bed sweating i see steve next to me smiling at me. I was crying and i heard steve say "it was just a dream go back to sleep i will be here for you." So i went back to sleep and when i woke up it was 10 in the morning so i got up and got dressed into the same outfit i wore yesterday because i put it on for the interview so it wasn't even dirty.