Loki and I have became close like inseparable close. We were in the kitchen getting brackfeat when tony came in. He look like he was going to kiss loki. Loki just kept eatting. I went to the bathroom really quick, when i got back i saw tony and loki kissing. I just walked in at sat down at the table. When there heard the chair move they stoped. Loki looked at me and sayed "i am sorry." I sayed "don't be sorry. You two are cute together and i approve." Loki looked at me like i was crazy, i sayed "what? I just want you to be happy mom." Loki sayed "that was the first time you called me mom." He had a smile on his face. I sayed "well get used to it." Tony sayed "so loki do u want to date." Loki look at tony then me. I gave him a look that sayed "OMG say yes" so loki sayed "yes stark i will go out with you." I screamed like a little girl loki looked at me and asked "what is wrong darling." I just sayed "you two need to go on a date today." Tony sayed "yes we do but where." I yelled "cheese cake factory. It is fancy." Tony called them and made recreations for 7. I had a smile on my face when i remembered the other Avengers. Loki saw me and asked "what is wrong?" I sayed "what are you going to say to the others?" Tony came back and saw me sad he asked "sammy what is wrong?" I repeated what i sayed to loki and tony sayed "jarves can you get everyone in the livingroom." "Yes sir." When everyone was in the livingroom we walked in and sat down. I sat in between loki and tony.
( this will be a chat)
S: why did you call everyone in here tony?
T: we have some news that we need to tell you but all of you can't get mad.
Sam: ok tony do u want to tell them or do u want me to tell them?
T: can you tell them please.
Sam: ok everybody loki and tony are dating.
S:congrats tony and loki.
N:can you get kids i want to be an antie.
B:ok congrats
T:No loki you are not dating him.
Sam: thor this is not choose, so back off!!
L: sammy it is okay he is just mad at me for loving someone like tony instead of a girl.
Sam: ya and he should support you nomatter if you are gay he is your brother.
I stormed off to loki's room. When i got to his room I sat on his bed and cryed. I heard a knock at the door. I sayed "go away i want to be alone....*sobs*." I heard the door open but i didn't look up to see was there. I felt someone pick me up and cradle me like a baby. I heard loki say "baby it is okay to be upset but don't worry about it." Then i heard tony say "sweety you need to come down everything will be okay." I was in loki's arms i kept crying untill i felt my eyes get heavy so i feel asleep in his arms. I heard loki and tony say "we love you baby girl and you are our daughter forver and always." Then they both kissed me on the forehead.
Tony's pov
When sammy left the room me and loki got up to look for her. We heard crying in are room so loki knocked and heard "go away i want to be along...*sobs*." So me and loki went in and saw her on lokis bed. Loki picked her up and cradled her saying "baby don't worry about it." Then i sayed "sam eveything will be okay you just have to calm down." We sat there for 2 hours cuddling when i saw sammy asleep. Me and loki wispered "we love you and you are our daughter now." Loki kissed her on her head and i did the same. I looked at the clock to see it was 10 PM so i told loki to get some sleep and he did. I was up a little bit longer than i thought so i went to sleep with sammy and loki in my arms.
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Sorry i sayed i was going to put this chapter up yesterday but i got really in to something else. I am so so so sorry. But i hope you injoyed the chapter.