same old same old???

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[ the next MORNING]

I woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. I felt someone's arm on me, so i turned my head to see loki asleep. I got up and went to the kitchen to see tony cooking i ran up to him screming "Daddy!!!" he tured and picked me up kissing me on the cheek. He set me in a chair and gave me some pancakes and bacon. After i ate my beacon loki came in so i ran up to him screaming "mommy!!!" He picked me up and set me on his hip. [ just remember i am 5 in the story] loki got brackfeat and after he ate he sayed to me "It is bath time little missy" i sayed "Okay but can you help me please 🙁🙁" "of course i will. I cant have my baby girl not want help from her mommy" i got off of loki and ran to the bathroom with loki behind me.

5 hours later

It was bed time and i wanted to sleep with loki and tony so they let me. Around 12 i felt someone move violently. I woke up to see loki having a bad dream. I woke tony up saying "daddy? Mommy is having a bad dream." Tony woke loki up and saw him crying so tony hugged loki. I sayed to loki "mommy are u okay?" Loki looked at me and sayed " yes sweety mommy just had a bad bad dream" i hugged loki and loki hugged back. After about 5 minutes we all went back to bed.

Sorry i have not posted in a while i had family madders to attend

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Sorry i have not posted in a while i had family madders to attend. 🙃

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