Back home with loki

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It was 10 AM and i had woke up because i felt someone move violently in the bed when i saw loki he looked like he was having a nightmare so i stared to shake him and say "loki you need to wake up your having a nightmare." When that didnt work i screamed "LOKI WAKE UP." He woke up and to my surprise he was crying so i huged him and strated to say "loki you are safe with me. Nothing will hert you when i am around." In his ear. He huged back and sayed "I'm so so so sorry for waking-." I told him "no it is okay you were in disstraes and need help dont be sorry about it." I then told him "you should go back to sleep, you need your rest for when we go home to day." With that i heard him say "okay but can you stay with me for a while." I sayed "ya of course i wouldn't dare to leave you." He drifted to sleep in my arm's. I feel asleep a few minutes later holding loki as tight as possible.

5 hours later

Loki and i were on are way back to earth when thor came and gave me a big hug. He went to loki but loki took a step back from him. So after about 5 minutes we were on earth at the tower. Loki looked a bit scared of the tower so i went in and told jarves to tell steve i was home. Steve and everyone else came running down the stairs and stoped when they saw loki. Steve sayed "what is he doing here." I told him "loki helped me come back to earth so dont be so pissed about it." So i took lokis hand and led him to my room which was on the 2 floor. When we go to my room i told loki that steve or anyone else can't hurt you when i am around because they will be out of my life if they did. I knew that they were listing to me. Loki asked me if i was okay i told him "yes why do u ask." He told me "just wondering with a sad face." I was suspicious but thought to bring it up later.

4 hours later

I asked loki if he was hungry he sayed yes, so we went to the kitchen and got some dinner but when we got there tony was making some tost and when he hured me he look up and almost had a hart attack. (if even possible because tony dosent have a hart) I almost started to laugh because of his face when he saw loki. I just went to the fridge and got us some strawberry to eat and took loki back to my room. After we ate all the strawberries it was 10 PM so we went to bad. I was laying on loki's chest when i fell asleep.

 I was laying on loki's chest when i fell asleep

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