Chapter 25: Intermission

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“Up and at ‘em, little girl!”

Someone was way too cheerful, Kate thought to herself with a groan. She rolled over in bed and buried her face in a pillow to block out the morning sunlight streaming in through the bedroom window. “Close the blinds,” she moaned.

Instead, she felt the covers being hauled away from her. “Aidan!” She rolled over and sat up.

He was standing next to the bed, dressed in a pair of garish plaid shorts and a bright green polo shirt. “Hurry up!” he said, as Kate rubbed her eyes against the glare from his outfit.


He nodded, grinning at her and bobbing excitedly on the balls of his feet.

Kate couldn't help but smile back at him. Ever since the night of their argument, he'd been nearly manic with enthusiasm. The past 48 hours had flown past in a whirlwind of activity. No, not a whirlwind. More like a maelstrom. Like one of those movie montage sequences that's been so over-edited it  makes you dizzy, just watching.

“Come on, get dressed," he said. "We’ve got a 9 AM tee time.”

“I don’t think I brought any golf clothes, Aidan.”

He turned and picked up a garment bag that was resting on the bureau behind him, holding it out to her with a flourish. “I had my stylist send up some options.”

She raised her eyebrows. “You have a stylist for golf?”

“Of course!” he said, gesturing at his own clothes. “You think this happens all by itself?”

“Is that a trick question?”

He laughed, dumping the garment bag on the bed in front of her. “The hideous clothes are the best part,” he said.

“We’re really going golfing?”

“You said you wanted to go!”

“Did I say that?”

“Here,” he replied. “Look, I made a list.” He took out his phone and held it out for her to see. She squinted to read the notepad he had opened:

Age-Appropriate Activities

1- Golf

2- Scrabble

3- Lakers games

“I’ve got the Scrabble board and the basketball tickets all ready to go,” he said to her as she read.

“That’s quite the extensive list.”

“We’ll think of more as we go,” he shrugged. “But seriously, Kate, get dressed.” He reached out and tapped on the garment bag again. “We’re gonna miss our tee-time!”


“OK, are you ready?” Aidan asked, as Kate stood with her golf club in hand at the first tee of the El Caballero Country Club.

“I put the ball there, right?” She pointed to the tee.


“I’ve never done this before!”

“This is gonna take a while.”

She looked up and scowled at him. “Maybe you should go first.”

“No, no,” he said, placing the ball on the tee for her. “Go ahead. Ladies first.”

Kate took up her position next to the ball with both hands on the golf club, as Aidan stood back and watched her with his hands on his hips. She looked up at him uncertainly.

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