Chapter 31: The Fast And The Furious

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Just sit tight.”

That’s what Aidan had said on the phone just now. Kate sighed as she sat in front of the coffee table, shoveling pizza into her mouth. She’d already polished off two slices and her stomach was starting to get that unpleasant, distended feeling that comes from binging on too much greasy food. She should probably slow down.

Just sit tight. I’m on my way. I’ll be right there.”

She slid a third slice of pizza onto her plate.

He was coming back to talk to her, and she knew what he was going to say. All the comfort food in the world wasn’t going to take away the feeling of impending doom. She almost wished he’d done it over the phone just now. It would have been easier. Then she could just collect her things and slink away – and not have to worry about hiding how much it hurt.

But Aidan would never break up with someone over the phone. That was the thing about him. As much as Marcy liked to knock him down and call him names, it wasn’t true. He was a good person. Not a douchebag. He'd never been a douchebag, had he?

Oh, why couldn’t he be a douchebag? This would be so much easier right now if he were just a douchebag.

Kate’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing. She looked down in confusion at her cellphone, sitting next to her on the couch where she had left it. The ringing wasn’t coming from there. It sounded like it was in bedroom. One of Aidan’s phones? Had he left one of them here when he went out before?

She ignored the sound and began patting the slice of pizza with a napkin to absorb the excess grease. To her relief, she heard the ringing stop – only to start up again a moment later.

“You never heard of leaving a message?” Kate muttered in annoyance.

She sighed. Maybe it was important. She should probably go see who it was. She stood up and headed into the bedroom. There was Aidan's phone, lying in the middle of the bed with the caller ID clearly visible: Annette.

Wonderful, Kate thought. The ringing stopped and then immediately started in a third time. Clearly, Annette wasn’t giving up until somebody answered her call. Kate rolled her eyes and picked up the phone. “Hello?”

“Hello? Aidan?”

“This is Kate. Aidan isn’t here.”

“Crap,” Annette responded.

“Why don’t you call him on the bat phone?”

“This is the bat phone.”

“Oh.” Kate pulled the phone away from her face and looked down at it in surprise. “Wow, that’s weird.”

“Do you know where he is?”

“He said he was at the airport—”

“The airport?

“—but he’s on his way back now. He should be here soon.”

Kate pulled the phone away from her ear as she heard Annette curse loudly on the other end. “OK," Annette said at last. "OK, just tell him to call me immediately.  I need to talk to him.”

"Yeah," Kate said under her breath, after she had clicked the phone back off. "Get in line, lady."

She tossed the phone back onto the bed and laid down next to it, trying to ignore the queasy feeling in her stomach. Too much pizza. Definitely too much pizza. Better to lie down in here for a little while before she really made herself sick. She was just closing her eyes when she was disturbed by the sound of the phone ringing again.

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