Chapter 4

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Mr. Lancer waited outside the school with the bus. He had gotten the bus and shown up early, 7:00, only to find that everyone was already there. Dash and Kwan were tossing, what looked like glasses, back and forth. Nathan was trying to get them back for an upset Mikey. Paulina and Star were gossiping from the sidelines, occasionally laughing at the misfortune of the nerds. "Mr. Baxter! Return his glasses now." Dash froze before reluctantly doing as he was told. Lancer nodded. "Well then, I guess we can head off now. Everyone on the bus." Once everyone was in and seated, Mr. Lancer sat down in the driver's seat and took off. Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at Fenton Works. "Alright everybody, off the bus."

As they all piled off the bus, Mr. Lancer walked up the steps to the front door and knocked. When nobody answered he glanced at the windows. There was at least one person awake. He knocked again and only had to wait a few seconds before the door was opened. In front of him, stood Jazz Fenton. But, what had his eyes raising was her state of dress. She was wearing a half-unzipped black jacket that appeared to be a few sizes too big over a faded blue sports bra, and he could just see the edges of her purple sleep shorts. The rest of the class looked over and widened their eyes when they, too, noticed her choice of clothing.


Jazz was just walking back from the bathroom when she thought she heard someone knock on the door. She waited a moment, and then it happened again. Forgetting that she was mostly undressed, she opened it. To her surprise, Danny's class was waiting on the other side. Her eyes narrowed. "What are you guys doing here? Aren't you a bit early?" She bit out. Nobody seemed to notice the tone, or it was ignored, as Mr. Lancer quickly explained that everyone was excited so they left early. She sighed, annoyed, "Alright, well, the guys and I are just about to sit down for breakfast. We didn't make enough for you guys so I hope your not hungry. You won't get any. Come in, then. And shut the door behind you." As she walked away, the teacher and his class of six (usually ten) came through the door and stood there awkwardly. Not knowing what else to do, they followed in the direction Jazz had gone. They stopped in the doorway of the kitchen just in time to see Jazz catch a KNIFE thrown at the back of her head. Then they saw her slip in between Sam's arms and legs, and wondered what that was about.

They started looking around. First thing they noticed was that everyone was throwing knives at each other and not getting hurt. They watched as Valerie caught two and took notice of her clothes. She was wearing red short shorts and an orange, low-cut tank top. She threw a knife at Sam and they saw her clothes too. She was wearing a blue mini-shirt, much like the one she wore in Freshmen year, and black shorts. They followed the knife as she launched it at Tucker. He was wearing red basketball shorts and a black tank top. He threw the knife at Jazz and they watched as she caught it. She made a motion and two more were thrown at her. She then threw all three at her brother Danny. Danny was only wearing blue basketball shorts. He caught all three knives and threw them all at different people.

The next thing they took notice of where the muscles they all seemed to have. Jazz seemed to have the least, but they could really only see her legs and a bit of her stomach so they weren't sure. Valerie and Tucker both had a substantial amount as well. Sam was not as much of a surprise because she had the highest grade in Gym. Danny, he was the biggest shocker. He wasn't overly muscular but he looked as though he could take out Dash and Kwan at the same time and have no trouble in doing so. Everyone was speechless.

That was when they noticed the tattoos everyone had. Tucker had the symbol for the Red Huntress over his heart and a cartoon ghost on his right side. On his left wrist they could see a string of binary code but they didn't know what it said. He threw a knife at Sam.

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