Chapter 9

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Danny and Tucker cried out in tandem as their shoulders got hit. They had been standing with Kitty and Young blood between them when Jack and Maddie fired their guns. The boys had pushed the two full ghosts behind them and out of the way instantly, taking the hit themselves.

Maddie gasped in shock as she and Jack dropped their guns. "Oh my- Danny!" They took off toward the two downed boys but were waylaid by Sam. She stepped in front of the Fenton's as Valerie and Jazz rushed past her, dropping to their knees next to their boyfriend and brother respectively. "Samantha move out of the way! We need to make sure tha-" Sam cut her off, her expression stormy. "No. You will stand her and let Val and J take care of our boys. You've cause enough damage today." Maddie looked indignant while Jack looked only slightly downtrodden - like he understood that he had hurt the boys but he didn't feel entirely at fault because he had been aiming at the ghosts and not the boys. "Move out of the way, Samantha dear, we need to treat the boys. I don't think Valerie and Jazmine know how to treat ecto-weapon wounds." Sam shifted when Maddie did, proving to be an impassable barrier. She pulled one of her knives and twirled it around her finger as she spoke, her eyes narrowed almost into slits.

"Val and J know what their doing. This isn't the first time and it probably won't be the last. We hunt ghosts. It happens." The Fenton's eyes widened comically at that. "WHAT DO YOU MEA-" Sam cut them off...again. "You can't stop us. It's not going to happen. We've been fighting ghosts since freshmen year. At this point there isn't much - if anything - that you can do about it." Maddie looked livid. "You woman, I will be calling all of your parents when we get out of here and I will be making sure that none of you will be doing anything like that ever again. It is far too dangerous for the inexperienced to messing with ghosts."

Before Sam could say anything else, Danny and Tucker walked up beside her, Jazz and Valerie flanking them. "I'm pretty sure that if we've been doing this for going on four years, we no longer count as inexperienced." Jazz deadpanned. Maddie whirled on her. "And you! You knew about this!?! They could have gotten hurt! How could you let your little brother and his friends do something like this?!? You and Danny are both grounded missy!" The Team snickered.

Jazz raised an eyebrow as she looked at her sperm donors. "Simple. I went with them when I could and made sure they never went out alone, always in pairs or more. Though their damn near inseparable so that wasn't an issue." Jazz mumbled the last part but it all applied. "And you can't ground us. I'm their legal guardian now. I have been for a little over year." "One year and 3 months!" Tucker piped up.

Jack and Maddie spluttered, but before they could get any farther Paulina hit the top of her annoyance meter. "Great! You've got family problems. Now when do I get to meet the Ghost Boy and who are they?" She gestured to the Kitty and Young Blood. Danny smiled. "These are some of my friends. Guys, meet Kitty and Young Blood. Young is playing pirate again and said he would give us a ride to the Far Frozen so that Frostbite can fix the SB and we can get out of here." He spoke with finality in his voice, leaving no room for argument.

Valerie, Sam, and Jazz all put their hands up, clasping them over their hearts, and tilted their heads to the side, sighing. "Ah. A boy and his pet snow monster!"

Danny twitched.

Tucker doubled over laughing, and the girls followed his example.

The girls straightened up again. "Or is it a snow monster and his pet ghost?"

They doubled over again.

Danny growled and launched himself at his team.

Kitty sighed before flying in between them and putting her hands out. "Enough! You are trained professionals! Stop acting like children!" They all immediately backed down, having the decency to look sheepish. Kitty huffed. "Good. Now go act like the young adults you are and set a good example for your peers."

Danny whined a bit. "But Kitty! We always'll shut up now..." Kitty nodded. "Good boy."

Danny waited about half of a second before completely switching gears. "Alright, let's get a move on. Young, can you get your boat?" The small ghost nodded. "Yeah, Uncle D, I got it." As the boy floated off, the class wa scent into an uproar. Danny watched with a raised eyebrow as his peers continued to question him violently as to why Young Blood had called him 'Uncle'.

Danny held up his hand and opened his mouth, hiding a smirk when everyone went silent, wanting to know the answer. "I told you all that I've been here before, right?" They nodded in snc. "Well, sometimes Kitty asks me to babysit Young Blood so she and Johnny can go out. I don't mind cause the munchkin is great friends with El-OW!" Sam punched him in the gut. Danny blinked, and then picked back up. "He's great friends with everyone of us so he's taking to calling us his family." The students seemed to accept the excuse but Maddie did not. She noticed that Danny had been about to say something else. Her eyes narrowed but she chose not to bring it up. Maybe if she just kept watching and listening, then she would get the answers to her questions.

Sam whirled on Danny, "Sie sind ein Idiot! Es war deine Idee, nichts zu sagen, was unnötig war. Was hast du dir dabei gedacht!? (You're an idiot! It was your idea to say nothing that was unnecessary. What did you think you were doing!?)" Danny threw his hands up in the 'I-surrender-please-don't-kill-me' gesture. "Bhí timpiste ann! Níor chiallaigh mé! (There was an accident! I did not mean!)" Valerie huffed before smacking him upside the head. "इसे फिर से मत करो! (Do not do it again!)" Danny nodded frantically, want nothing more than to placate the evil demons.

At the sudden gasps from everyone, the Team turned and saw Young Blood and his Assistant, in bird form, standing at the helm of a pirate ship. The Team grinned. "Alright everybody! Pick up a piece of the SB and move it onto the ship. Once it's all on the ship we can leave." Groans were heard from....everyone. Jazz scowled. "I don't want to hear anymore bitching out of any of you! If you all want to get back to amity park then you best be willing to help now. Or else I will have no problem with leaving your sorry asses here." Everyone immediately scrambled to do as they were told, even Jack and Maddie.

Twenty minutes later and all the scattered pieces were on the deck of the ship. "Alright Maties! Get ready, cause' we're setting sail! The class, Mr. Lance, and Jack stumbled as the ship lurched forward.

(AN) Alrighty my Little Ghosties! I had a bit of time, so I was able to get this one out pretty quick compare to the last one. Also, imma sound like and ass here but it needs to be said - I do have school and I do have other obligations so I can't always get the chapters out as fast as I want to. When I have just put a chapter out not a day or two before, please don't message me asking for another update. I'm getting these out as fast as my schedule allows me to write them. That being said, I love every comment you guys leave me! It's always fun to see that people are enjoying my story. Also, encase anybody hasn't noticed, when I do the different languages, I'm positing the direct translation, not the way that we would say it. And now, onto the story. Who expected both Tucker and Danny to get hit? We also get to see some more of our badass females. And yes, Kitty is motherly, don't judge me. Also, Young Blood's skeleton assistant is literally named that - skeleton assistant. Imma probably give it a name in the next chapter cause it's a snarky little shit. Speaking of! Next chapter info! We get to see more of the teams athletic abilities and another ghost is planing to cause problems. I wonder who it could be? As always, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Let me know what you think~

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