Chapter 8

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In front of Danny, stood none other than the infamous Kitty. After the whole thing with Jazz had been cleared up, Kitty had become one of the Team's best friends. Turns out, she wasn't jealous of the girls Johnny was looking at, she was mad that he was avoiding her after she mentioned wanting to adopt Young Blood. When they finally reconciled, the went through with the adoption - going so far as to sign papers and file them with Ghost Writer - and then apologized to Danny and Crew. Her, Jazz, Sam, and Valerie even go on shopping trips from time to time. Those were the days that Johnny hung out with Tuck and Danny and they worked on the different machinery in the HUB.

"Danny! What are you doing here? I don't need you to babysit today. And aren't you supposed to be-" Danny pointed behind himself before she could finish and her words trailed off as she saw who he was pointing to. "Oh! What happened? With you and the Team it should have gone fairly smooth." Danny chuckled. "Yeah, it should have but Technus scent us reeling before Tuck had a chance to install the software we needed him to. And now everyone is stuck in the Zone. WE even had to give them some info on us, though we only told them that we've been here before and know our way around. I said I was going to come ask Young Blood if he could give us a ride cause he was still playing Captain last time I was here. Think you could give us a lift to the Far Frozen, Young?" Kitty whistled and her eyes flashed as she cracked her knuckles. "Seems like I get to go give computer a virus." "Yeah sure, Danny. I've got enough room on me ship to hold ya lot." Danny gulped. "Kitty, remind me never to piss you off. And thanks, Young. Really, we needed the help. The Team and I could probably get everyone there safely but I don't want to chance Walker, I don't think he's ever going to like me. And we wouldn't have been able to get the SB there without me having to show off my strength, which wasn't happening." The two nodded. "Not a problem, Danny. Let me just- Johnny! I'm going with Young Blood and helping Danny get his class to the Far Frozen!" She turned and shouted back into the still open doorway. Johnny's answering shout confirmed that "he had heard them, that he understood where they were going, to be careful, that he was going to stay and work on his bike with Shadow, and damn woman do you have to yell so loud!" Danny and Young Blood laughed as Kitty's purse caught ecto-green fire and she threw it at her husband. The resounding yelp scent the two further into their giggle fit.

Absently, Danny heard the clicks in his ear as the Team connected to channel 1.

When they finally calmed down enough to move, they began making their way down the path to Danny's class.

Danny relaxed some more when he heard what Sam said and saw Tuck start heading their way.


Sam sighed, exasperated, when she saw how far down the path Danny was already. "Honestly, that boy." Her girlfriend laughed. "Don't I know it." The Team broke into laughter as they slowly shifted through the wreckage. They didn't have to look long before they found their bags.

Jazz found hers and Tucker's near the sheet they had been pinned under.

Tucker found Valerie's under an upturned seat

Sam found Danny's near where they had woken the boy, on top of some of the roofing...they weren't sure how it got there...they weren't sure they really wanted to know. They didn't question it.

Valerie found Sam's next to the, still spinning, steering wheel.

They gave the bags to their rightful owners and Sam kept a hold of Danny's.

"Alright, everybody gather 'round!" She bellowed over the small group of people that had spread out rather impressively in the small space that they had. Everyone looked at her, noticed the look on her face, and slowly - reluctantly - made their way to her. With everyone where she wanted them, Sam dug into her bag and pulled out the smaller sack with the Phantom Phones in it. She explained as she passed them out. "These (she pulled her hair back to reveal the ones in her ears) are Phantom Phones. They filter out ghost noise." Jack's indignant "Hey! That's our invention! You stole the Fenton Phones!" was promptly ignored. When everyone had their Phantom Phones in place, Sam showed them how to turn them on and had them connect to each other on the second channel. She switched hers over for a moment to make sure everyone was on the right channel. She then switched back to the private channel, specially designed to only unlock with voice recognition and a pre-set password, that now had the whole Team connected. She smiled slightly, listening to the laughter coming from Danny's end.

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