Chapter 10: The Friendship

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Days had passed and Artemis kept to herself, never interfering too much in the Trojan war. Her brother, Apollo, already involved in the bloodshed against the Achaeans and Spartans. This allowed her to remain at home, at peace. She occasionally stepped out into the wilds to hunt and give her maidens some adventures so they would not be bored and get aroused by the many mortal men singing for their love.

That particular gloomy evening, Artemis found herself sitting alone along the shores, allowing the water to lap at her feet in a slow and tired rhythm. It was on one of these lazy days that she reminisced about her days in Delos. Though she had so many companions now, the goddess still missed her mother and her brother.

For a long moment she could only think about the past: her battles with the Cyclopes, the killing of Phyton, her triumph over the king of men, Agamemnon.

Everything had become a blur for her, and the passing of time for the gods felt so meager compared to mortals. It was as if they were forever cursed with melancholy and longing.

But what do I long for? Artemis thought. I have all of my wishes.

Her hand dropped down to scoop a handful of white sand. It flowed through her fingers.

"My lady," a familiar voice suddenly cut in from behind her.

Artemis craned her head around and found Callisto standing just a few feet away. The young nymph held a basket of cheese and bread.

"Callisto," the huntress said.

"Why are you out here alone?" Callisto said.

The goddess smiled and gestured for her maiden to sit down beside her.

"Come, take a seat here with me. Did Medea or Nadia shove that basket in your arms and force you to bring it me?"

Callisto blinked. She knew she was never too confident to approach Artemis by herself. The goddess always seemed so intimidating to her. Though Artemis praised everyone equally during the hunting trips, Callisto still felt that she wasn't as exceptional as the other maidens. She couldn't tie the knots as good as Loxo or skin the kills as neatly as Phylonoe.

Artemis gave a half-hearted chuckle and waited until Callisto decided to move towards her. She placed the basket between them.

"My apology to interrupt," Callisto murmured, lowering her gaze from Artemis's piercing eyes.

"Don't worry," the goddess said, smiling. "I just feel a bit blue for no reason."

Callisto nodded.

"We have noticed how you've been difficult to please lately," she said. "You don't seem to enjoy the meals, and you haven't been resting well at night. We notice too that you haven't gone out for a good hunt in a long while. The hounds are restless."

Artemis gave a sad sigh and shook her head. "I'm just exhausted, Callisto. I'm invincible but I'm also exhausted."

The nymph listened and understood what Artemis was feeling.

"I used to be a mortal, and this feeling you're having is called 'loneliness'," Callisto said.

Artemis looked at her and gave a sheepish smile. "You do know that I swore an oath to remain a virgin, don't you?"

Callisto blushed. Everyone knew it was a solemn vow she made all of her immortal nymphs take as well.

"I do know so, my lady," she said. "I did not mean you should take a lover."

Artemis laughed.

"Me? Taking a lover?" she said. "I have seen men, the best of them even, but I don't desire them. The passion of the flesh is not something to my liking."

Callisto nodded, but she wished she could stop her mistress's loneliness. The nymph said no more, and by sheer pity, she wrapped her arms around Artemis. A surprising gesture she didn't know she was capable of.

Artemis could feel the softness of Callisto's skin pressing against hers. She relished in the warmth of her body and leaned closer, almost intuitively then rested her head on her shoulder.

"This feels nice," Artemis said, listening to the beating of the nymph's pounding heart.

Callisto felt relieved knowing that she did not overstep their boundaries. Artemis did think of her as her eternal friend and nothing more.

The goddess traced her fingers up and down the nymph' arm. It was a slow and soft gesture but Callisto could feel a warm knot forming heavily in her gut. It was both relaxing and intriguing all at once.

"Callisto?" Artemis said.

"Y-yes, my lady," she replied, her voice quivering as she tried to understand the sudden and strange sensation she was undergoing.

"Thank you," Artemis told her attendant. "You know, ever since the day I met you I always felt there was something different about you."

"What is it?" Callisto asked.

"It feels like it is my duty to protect you," the goddess said. "And I shall never let anything hurt you."

Everything Artemis said brought the nymph to tears for she felt the same way. Callisto reached in and held Artemis' hand.

"My lady, all I wish to do is to make you happy," she said. "I would do anything for you."

Artemis nodded, "Thank you. I can live with that. Now dine with me here on the shores. Let the rest handle all the things in the camp. For now, let me have the joy of your company. It is a great break from the battles and death, isn't it?"


And the two spent the rest of the evening sharing stories as the evening stars watched over them and the oceans sang songs with their waves.

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