Chapter 15: The Betrayal

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The following morning Artemis awoke and found Callisto already up and about. She tried to approach and talk to the young nymph, but Callisto avoided her and rushed off to finish her chores.

"I wonder what got her in a rush?" Artemis asked herself.

Callisto tried to be unseen. She would not join the bath with the goddess, even there were other maidens around. She would not sit next to her when they sang around the fire. When mealtimes came, Callisto did her best not to be the one who served her mistress.

At night, the nymph feigned asleep in her tent, and whenever she sensed that Artemis trying to get her attention, she pretended to be oblivious of her lady's intention.

Those actions were both confusing and hurting to the young goddess's heart. She went about her hunting routines as always, but her mind was fixed on Callisto. She looked gloomy and Artemis did not know what she had done wrong.

Did she hurt Callisto in any way? Did she not make Callisto happy the last time they lay together?

But the gods are proud beings. If they feel emotions, they hardly show them.

In the meantime, there was an increase in newborn babies. The people of Sparta had settled after the war and began to start rebuilding their nation. It was Artemis's job to help the new mothers for she was also the matronly Queen of the Spartans.

For many weeks, her work had been the source of distraction. Artemis also averted her mind to some other maidens, who were too eager to be her companions. However, the young goddess did no more than what was for amusement's sake. No one seemed to understand her loneliness much liked Callisto did.

Then came one evening when two of her maidens appeared at her.

"My lady," Upis called. Artemis turned to find her nymphs standing by the door flap, holding a basket of fruits. "I heard Callisto yesterday, crying to herself, but I do not know why. We told some of the girls that they should stay away from her for a while. I think she is sick."

"Sick? How could my nymph be sick?" Artemis asked and raised her eyebrows as a myriad of thoughts began to burrow into her mind. She dismissed Upis with a hand wave, allowing the nymphs to carry on with their duties. This would give Artemis space for her to think.

Whatever it was, Artemis needed to know. She had to confront this issue and make sure that it wouldn't grow. Another war could erupt at any time now, with the Persians making their way to the Greek islands. She would need her maidens' prowess if they were to interfere with the mortals and their conflicts.

Artemis gazed out over the fields of her domain and kept a watchful eye over Callisto. She would want to speak with the nymph soon and get the truth out of her.

Unfortunately for the huntress, weeks and months had passed by and she had not been able to converse properly with Callisto regarding what troubles her. Artemis began to get busy with the winter solstice passing and the mortals would need her assistance to survive the changing weather. They needed livestock which only the Huntress could provide them. This task has kept her and her court preoccupied.

One thing she did notice that was undeniable was how Callisto was beginning to weaken. She noticed once that Callisto winced and had to stop during their daily runs and exercises. This was strange since the maiden was often one of the swiftest. Though not physically strong like the rest, she was a huntress true-and-true. Recently she seemed to have dulled and slowed down in the chase.

When Artemis approached Callisto, the nymph simply shrugged it off and said, "It's nothing, my lady. I feel all right."

All of the fire of lust and affection was gone from Callisto's tone, and it hurt Artemis to hear such a cold response. They had spent so much time together that being separated but still so close was awkward and painful beyond comprehension.

One morning, Artemis was in the bath with her nymphai while her Oceanides practicing their verses, and they heard a sudden cry came from the camp.

"Ah!" Callisto's familiar voice cried out. Several of the nymphs went out of the water and rushed in to help. The music stopped and Artemis rose to her feet, her body frozen from fear of knowing her beloved was in pain.

Then her companions brought the nymph forwards. Artemis found Callisto attempting to cover herself with her cloth. Upis and Loxo stood beside her, holding her down. From the signs all around her, it appeared as if Callisto wasn't hurt. But it was already too late as Artemis came to see the truth. She gazed down at Callisto's once lean body and saw the woman's belly to be swollen. Then a realization struck her like a flash of lightning.

Callisto was with child. The sight brought great horror to Artemis, and in an instant, her mind flooded with so many thoughts and revelations that for a few moments she was at a loss for words. It all crumbled when her thoughts of sadness and worry were replaced with pure anger and madness.

"You wretched girl!" Artemis screamed as her fury ignited in her eyes. All of the nymphs fell to their knees in fear and the Oceanids ran to their tents and prayed that the gods of Olympus would shield them from their lady's wrath. "You foul traitor! You dare break your oath. You dare make love to me and feeding me with lies! I favored you!"

"M-my lady, please, listen to me..." Callisto tried to reason. "It was you whom I have lain with and no one else."

"Liar!" Artemis hissed. "I did not get you with child. How dare you accuse me of such deed? Tell me who you lain with?"

The nymph tried to plead with her tears and sobs as much as with her words.

"You must heed my cries! Several months back, I was out in the woods gathering olives when I saw you come to me and make love to me in the glade. As we lay together I suddenly felt a searing pain between my legs and that pain became a pleasure. It was only after did I realize that my purity was broken. It was not my intention!"

"You broke your vow." Artemis did not relent. Tears were flowing freely from her eyes but she was not going to back down from punishing those who shattered her trust and disobeyed her words.

Callisto became hysterical, rising to her feet and pulling on her hair as she tried to stop Artemis from unleashing her wrath upon her. "Please! Forgive me, my lady!"

"Leave my retinue and never come back again," Artemis said.

"My lady!"

"Fetch me my bow and arrows."

"No!" Callisto cried.

When all the nymphs stood without moving, Artemis hissed and whistled for her hounds. The brutal growls of the animals inflected fear in Callisto's heart. She had no choice but to flee.

Naked and frightened, she ran through the forest. Her tears were flowing incessantly as her feet kept sprinting with hands over her large belly.

Hera who had observed their argument knew that there was only one who would do such thing and that was her own husband. Inflamed with jealousy and grudges against Artemis, she muttered a soft enchantment, transforming the poor maiden into a beast. A large, brown bear that continued to escape her death through the forest.

Even at a distance, when Callisto was out of sight, the roars of her bear-shape could be heard as they echoed across the land.

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