Author's Note

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Dear my beloved readers,

Thank you for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it regardless of the unhappy-ending. I know how much you wish the story would not be as the original myth. You want an alternate ending but I feel that it would have no plot to write about if it was all easy breezy romance. So I'm sorry to break your hearts but I have to go with the myth.

I will give you some background about this work.

Artemis and Callisto are the first pair that came close to a lesbian relationship in all the Greek myths. I didn't know it at first until one of my readers suggested I should write about them and I'm glad I did.

You might have expected Artemis to have a harem seeing that she has so many hot maidens. But I think the goddess's heart is set on purity, so I can't just make her have an orgy or anything like that. Besides I wanted to follow her life from childhood to where she is now. I wanted to find out what kind of a goddess she is. Whether she is full of sass or she's capable of romantic emotions.

Callisto just left me feeling sad. She's one of the most unfortunate characters I've ever written. It breaks my heart to imagine what it would be like to have such a bad fortune. I'm glad it's just a myth.

I decided to write this story because I just wanted to give life to those mythical characters. I wanted to capture their feelings and their actions, but also want to give my readers a glimpse into their homosexual side. I hope I did them justice.

Well, I think that is all. I'm so happy that I finished yet another book for you. I can't wait to write more. I guess this is probably the only story that ends sadly. I'm a sucker for happy endings, so one should be enough, I guess?

Tell me what you would like to see more in the future. I might take up your suggestion again as long as it's not about werewolves or studentxteacher.

But before I end this note, I want to share some advice to new writers here.

First, remember this mantra 'Finish it even if it's shit'. Seriously, finish it. Your writing won't improve if you don't write to the end. You can have a perfect story idea but if you never finish it, it's as good as nothing. Finish, not perfect.

Build a writing routine. Habits beat talents any day. They say 'A pro is an amateur who doesn't quit.' And I live by this wisdom. Writing is my addiction. The more I write, the more addictive it becomes. So one day, I decided to go all in. Now I started self-publishing my works and hope someday, I can write to my heart's content without doing other things I don't feel passionate about.

It takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in any field. Writing is also the same. It will take 10 years or more to become a pro as long as you stick to it every day. I even make a challenge for myself. I would draw 30 boxes for 30 days and cross it every time I hit 1000 words. As each box is crossed, it gives me a sense of purpose and reward. And I want to see all those 30 boxes crossed and know I have made a progress with my craft.

Of course, I still consider myself an amateur writer who is trying to get by. I have things to do aside from sitting in front of the computer and staring at the blank page. It's very hard. But nothing compares to the feeling of having produced a chapter and posting it to my readers to read and reading their comments. I assure you, your quirky comments are the reason I'm still here. I plan to write 5 books next years. And I can't do it without motivation.

For those of you who haven't got readers, don't lose hope. Writing takes more than just motivation. Motivations are traitors. They never come when you need them, so you must build a habit to train yourself to push through whether you feel like it or not.

Sometimes when I don't feel like writing at all, I would tell myself, 'Just write one sentence' and by the time I get to the end of that sentence, I come up with another sentence. And sometimes if I persist, I can create a whole paragraph or a whole chapter!

They say quantity begets quality. So let's write 10 or 50 books! Write 100 books even! Go write them now.

And here is the last rule:

PS: Artemis is now available on Amazon in kindle and paperback (link in my bio)

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PS: Artemis is now available on Amazon in kindle and paperback (link in my bio). If you love my work and want to support me as an indie author, please get a copy and leave review. It will help future readers to discover my works and also keep this book for free on Wattpad.

PSS: I'm not done with mythology yet. Just so you know, I'm gonna write another but with happy ending, hopefully *evil laugh* and it's Roman gods this time. So hope you enjoy 'Cupid&Psyche' which is coming up soon in October!

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