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As I lay on my bed I keep rereading some page on a book I have already read at least ten times. I just love it so much that I can read it so many times that I will never get bored of it. I am starting to get hungry so I get up from my bed and open the mini fridge and pull out the milk as a pour cereal into the bowl I have.

I hear the door opening and I look over to see that Emma is returning back to out room. She goes over and sits on her bed while looking at me still. I am not sure why , but it is sort of freaking me out.

"Sorry Kennedy" She says quietly and then getting up and walking over to me. "I didn't mean to blow up on you. Niall can just be an ass and I didn't want you to find that out yourself" She wraps her arms around me tightly and then pulling me away.

"Just call me Kenna. It is alright I knew there was probably another reason why you seemed so upset about it" She smiles and sits down on my bed with me.

"I am going to make it up to you! Tonight Zayn is having a thing over at his palce so I am taking you along!" She smiles and then pulls me up.

"We went to a party last night though?" I questions. She just smiles and laughs at me.

"So, I didn't just come to college to study. I know you wanna have some fun so come on and lets go!" She pulls me out of the door and all the way to the car.


As we arrive we walk up the stairs and to his dorm room. The halls are packed with people and the mixture of smoke and the smell of puke for people drinking more then they can handle. Emma has to maneuver through different crowds to finally arrive at Zayn's room.

The door is already open so she walks in and finds Zayn smoking form a bong with pot inside. She sits down next to him and takes a hit from it. I stand by the door and then leave to find something to drink. Luckily though that if I want to leave the walk to our cluster is only about ten minutes so it will be easy.

I go down the hall and find a keg with plastic cups sitting on the top of it. I take one of the cups and hold it over where the beer comes from. I fill it up to the very top so I can drink and drink and not have to get a refill soon. As I walk down the hall I hear someone yelling and someone else like there is a fight about to break out.

I walk down the hall and see the one and only Niall in a screaming match with some other guy who looks like their parents paid their way into this school. I stand back to see what is going happen and they just keep getting more and more heated between each other. Niall keeps getting in the other guys face adjating him more and more by the second.

From where I am standing I walk over to Niall before he says something else to the guy and grab him by the hand and pull him down the hall. All I hear is the guy yell 'yeah that's right! Have your little fuck buddy pull you away so you'll be decent tonight!'

Niall doesn't realize that it is me that pulled him away till he try's to go back to him and I take a grab of his hand again trying to hold him back as much as I can. He looks at me and his expression softens and he stops pulling back.

"Kenna" He says softly while grabbing my drink from my hand and taking a sip of it.

"What was that all about?" Before he answers he takes another drink.

"He was being a dick. He keyed my car and I told him to piss off" My eyes go wide.

"He keyed your car?" He answers by nodding his head yes and then leaning against the wall. He looked down the hall and his whole expression changes within the moments we are talking. I look down to and see Emma making out with Zayn.

"Don't pull away" Niall says to me as he leans into me and spins around so he is facing the way I was. He faces comes close to mine and then leans in for a kiss.

I don't pull away as are lips connect in the same motion and it last for longer then I had expected. He finally pulls away and looks down the hall again. I don't question anything that just happens because i have to much alcohol in my system to make since of anything.

He goes in for another kiss and this one last much longer. His hands wrap around my waist and pull me into him closer and closer until there is no room left between us. His hands move to my face and hold it has his tongue and lips mix with mine in a sloppy, drunk, confused kiss.

He pulls away again and then walks down the hall to Emma and grabbing her by the hand disappearing to some room. I am not sure what just happened, but I have a feeling I just go in the middle of something that I should have really stayed out of.

I go back to Zayns room and see Louis sitting on one of the beds alone drinking from a can. I go up to him and sit down next to him. He looks over at me and smiles.

"Wanna talk" He tells me. I look at him and raise my eyebrows. He stands up and holds his hand out for me to to grab it. I do and he walks me down the hall and stairs to outside. We sit down on the steps.

"Sorry I left you last night. I went to go find someone to take care of Niall and I got held up somewhere. Just tell me though that he didn't do any drastic?" Louis explains to me and then asks me.

"No, he just took a shower and passed out on the bed. I stayed with him all night though just in case he woke up or whatever" I tell Louis he smiles at me and puts his arm around me into a side hug and then not moving him arm.

We talk for alittle bit longer, but I go back inside because I end up having to use the bathroom. As I search for the bathroom I see Niall and Emma arguing inside an empty room in front of the bathrooms. I stay still for a minute and then walk to the bathroom and finally relieve myself form not peeing all night.

After I wash my hands and leave the bathroom and take another sip from a drink that I have been caring around and then set it down on the ground and walk outside. I am tired and just want to sleep all of this alcohol out of my system.

I get back to the dorm and change into a pair of cotton shorts and an undersized shirt and slip into my bed sleeping the rest of the night.


I need 55 reads and 6 votes to update ♡

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