Imagine for XBRIXANNA

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I'm in love with Bradley Will Simpson, and no before you think i'm an obsessed fangirl- I'm not. I'm his best friend and I have fallen head over heels with Brad. I like to believe that i've done such a good job over the years hiding it, but James realised and ever since he's been my support.

Currently, i'm led on the sofa in Connors house- my head in Brad's lap and my legs resting on Connors lap. Tristan was sat on the floor and James was sat on the arm chair next to the sofa. We were all watching some stupid comedy show, chatting about the up coming tours and music. They were always super chilled out with me being there while discussing potential songs for their album and tour dates. They knew i'd never spill a word.

I was curious therefore i was asking questions abut who wrote the songs. Usually Brad has songs that he wrote himself without the help of the guys but he didn't seem to have wrote one this time, which was strange. What was also strange was that Brad's lyrics weren't spread across the floor with the rest of them. I stood and adjusted my shirt and reached to grab his song folder from the shelf and got a chorus of 'NO' and 'Don't'

Weird, ''Why what's wrong?'' I had no idea what was happening, they were behaving abnormally.

''I just- i haven't been able to- uh- uhm I don't have any good lyrics this time around. They're all a work in progress'' Brad spoke up.

''I'm sure they're really good, can't I just have a little peek?'' I was always a nosey girl, Brad always told me that it made me even cuter. If only he knew how those compliments made my tummy flutter and heart beat 7 times faster, but he'd never feel that way for me.

Ever since James had found out about my little crush on Brad, he insisted that I tell him, that he was sure Brad had felt the same way. No way could Brad ever feel the same way for little old me, plain boring Brianna. If only.

The next thing I knew, Brad had flung himself across the room and wrapped his arms around me making me drop the folder and it had slid under the cabinet i was leaning against.

''Brad what the hell are you doing?'' On the inside my heart was racing, I was containing my smile that was threatening to show from his touch. He was my best friend, he was going to hug me from time to time but every single time- my tummy would get butterflies, my heart would beat faster but a few seconds later reality would kick in and my heart would crack just a little more.

''I just needed a hug, I'm an affectionate person you know.''

''You're so weird Brad'' So so cute, if he carries on like this- I'm going to cry from the heart break he's making me feel. He unwrapped his arms from around me and went to sit back down, dragging me with him.

''I'm bored of doing song crap now'' Connor spoke up.

''Yeah lets stop now'' James said and began clearing up the scraps of paper and pencils strewn across the floor. I had noticed Tristan sliding Brads folder from under the cabinet and holding it in his arms until the boys had cleared them up and then placing it on top of the pile. Flipping it around, making sure it was the right way up with Brad's music notes on top. Brad had recently gotten a music sheet glued to the top of his folder, every time he'd say 'it's just random, i don't know'

We had all been sat down watching the telly for a little while now and the boys had been conveniently leaving one by one. James had tried convincing me to tell Brad that I like him tonight and every time I had denied that I did, too nervous and too scared that he would reject me. So we had this idea, if me and Brad ended up alone that night I had to tell him. Which was totally unfair because Brad walked me home every night, so we had agreed if it was before 11pm and we were alone I had to say something.

It was 10:35 and Tristan had gone home, saying that his mum wanted to see him before she left for two weeks for work purposes. James had left a few minutes ago, saying he had to wash his mirrors.... Strange excuse- unusual i'm not questioning it. And Connor had just stood up and said that he was going to have a shower and he'd be back downstairs to help clear up.

My hands had begun to sweat, how would I tell my best friend that I was in love with him? I could not. We carried on watching the show, silently.

''Will you get me a drink from the kitchen babe?'' Brad spoke. I closed my eyes and took a breathe in and let it out, he's your friend he means nothing by it. Breathe.

''Get it yourself, lazy'' I would do anything for him but that was super lazy.

''I would but my legs dead, you make the best drinks anyway''

''Oh for gods sake'' I slid off the sofa and padded into Connors kitchen, flicked the light on and reached to grab a glass from the cupboard but stopped when I saw an envelope with my name swirled across the front in the most gorgeous handwriting. I knew it was my name written on the front but I didn't want to touch it just in case it wasn't for my eyes.

I carried on and grabbed the glass from the cupboard and then opened the fridge to collect the squash bottle. There was a note taped to the bottle.

'BRIANNA- You can open the letter with your name on it on the worktop. I promise- Connor ;) xx'

Weird, what was happening.. I closed the fridge door and reached for the letter on the counter.

I ripped the envelope and opened the letter.


I wrote this letter in (Y/FAVOURITE COLOUR) because it's your favourite, I also drew really pretty on the envelope because I know you appreciate the little things which is why I chose to tell you this way.'

I stopped reading for a second and prayed that this wasn't from Connor because that would be awkward. But seeing as it was his house and the note in the fridge- it would make sense. Oh dear. I turned and leaned my back back against the worktop and ran my hand through my hair, let out a sigh and carried on reading.

'I don't know why i've taken so long to tell you.. maybe it's because I didn't know if you felt the same or if you even seen me as more than your best friend but..'

My best friend was Brad and I was his, obviously the boys were super close but.. This couldn't be from Brad.. could it?

I heard a clearing of a throat and turned to see Brad. He was stood there with his guitar giving you that cheeky grin.

''What's happening?''

He began to play the guitar, nodding his head back down to the letter ignoring my question. I looked back down and there were the words he was singing. Connor walks into the room whilst Brad was singing and im becoming even more confused now.

Connor chucked something at me and i had dropped the letter in the mist of catching the folder.

''Open it.'' and then Connor walked out, now i'm super confused.

I opened the folder and there was lyrics- i shifted your eyes over them- still majorly confused and there was an explanation for every lyric and now I'm feeling confused to the high heavens now.

Brad now began singing- that melodic voice that hurt so much yet couldn't help but love- it suddenly clicked that he was singing the lyrics that were in my hand. Im mesmerised.

''I love you'' Brad had stopped singing now and I stood there in tears stood there, heart swelling.

''James told me, so I had to do something to show you that I love you too- we're not best friends, soul mates maybe but we are definitely made for each other.''

I was smiling so much that it hurt, ''you wrote a song for me?''

''Hey, go big or go home right?''


Okay I'm not sure whether you'll like this or not but I had so so so much fun writing this, I hope you enjoy!! I hope it's close enough to the request that you asked for.

This is my favourite imagine that I've written so far, I'm hoping you all like it as much as me x

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