Connor- Jealousy

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You had a party that you wanted to attend, and your boyfriend Connor did not want you to go- well he didn't want you to go without him. You sat there for a while thinking about the options you had which was him coming along with you. 

''Babe, you have nothing to worry about- it's a party and i'm not going to drink much anyway, I just wanna hang out with my friends'' You reassure him locking the apartment door after you both walk out. 

''He's going to be there Y/N'' He growls at you. 

''He probably has a better party to go to rather than a stupid college one- there's another in the night club so he's probably there'' You tell him.

''You know for a fact that he's going to be at that party baby'' He speaks at a normal tone, grabbing your hand in his.

The 'he' that he's speaking of is your ex boyfriend, you both broke up mutually two years ago and you both were still good friends. Neither of you felt a real connection and you only dated for a month or so. Connor was always jealous whenever you were near him and he didn't like the friendship you both had... especially after what happened while you were together. 

''How many times do I have to say that he is not going to try anything? For gods sake'' You ask as you walk up to the frat house where the party is being held. You roll your eyes when he leans forward to grab the door handle so you know he didn't catch you doing so. 

He doesn't answer you as you both walk through the threshold, the music was blaring and there was people dancing, grinding and drinking everywhere. There was red solo cups littered everywhere and it was clear that we were some of the few sober ones here even though we had only just arrived. 

You left Connor's arm tighten around your waist as your ex boyfriend, Joey comes into both of your views. 

You turn your head to Connor and whisper, ''Stop it, Connor'' and you slap his hand away from your waist. 

You walk over to Joey and greet him with a hug ad a smile, his arms wrap around your waist for a quick hug. You knew this would make Connor mad; you could almost picture his face behind you, growling lowly. 

Just as you were about to pull away from your ex boyfriend, Joey holds you tighter and slowly glides both of his hands down to cup your ass. You moved your hands from his back to grab them from your ass- you know feeling annoyed that he would try to pull this move on you with your boyfriend stood right behind you. 

''Alright, that's enough. I swear to god get your dirty hands off of her!'' Connor yells, you've never seen him this angry before. It was kinda sexy.. Everyone in the kitchen and the living room stopped what they were doing and stare at the scene unfolding between the three of you. 

You're sound to the side of the both boys and Connor lunges forward to grip the collar of Joey's shirt, ''You need to back off of my girl, mate,'' Connoe growls through his teeth. If you hadn't gripped his shoulder and gave him a pleading look, you were sure that he was gonna swing for him. And one thing you knew for sure- neither was one to back down from a fight. 

''He's not worth it baby,'' you whispered softly. He loosens his grip on Joey's shirt and takes a step backwards, you let out the breath you were holding in. You take his hand and lead him outside where you sit on the front porch swing. You'd always wondered why the frat house had this, although you loved sitting here. 

''I bloody knew we shouldn't have came tonight,'' Connor says as you two begin to swing on the porch swing. You take a hold of his hand and he looks at you.

''You don't see it, you don't see what I see when you're with him Y/N. The look in his eyes... you don't understand- he is not over you.'' 

You give his hand a soft squeeze. 

''Connor, I know that you're the jealous type, but I need you to know that I love you and only you'' You kiss his cheek and he smiles. He looks so adorable whenever he smiles at you. 

''Yeah... I know that''

The front door of the house opens and the host of the party walks out, the 'leader' of the frat boys, Alex steps outside to look at the both of you.

''So, you two partying tonight or what?''

Connor takes a glance at you and looks at Alex again.

''I think we're alright for now, cheers mate'' Connor answers, you smile warmly up to Alex. Alex rolls his eyes and lets out a soft laugh, ''No shagging on the swing- people can see you'' he steps inside and shuts the door. 

You both let out a laugh, ''You're so cute when you're jealous'' you giggle. 

''Am I?'' 

You smile and say, ''Maybe I need to make you jealous more often- you really turned me on earlier'' You blushed as you spoke those words out loud.

Connor gets a glint in his eyes and chuckles, ''oh yeah?'' 


He grabs your chin and softly kisses you, you smile into the kiss and think about how much you love his lips against yours. You both broke apart, you leaning his shoulder and both holding hands. 

There was no other man you would want to be with in your life, you may be young but for now, you thought. This was it- he was the one. 

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