Moving in.

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Jungkook and Jimin was up bright and early this morning. Jungkook had classes in an hour and Jimin had to leave soon.

"So how is today going to work if we both have classes?" Jimin asked.

"Well I'm pretty sure I end class before you so I'll just ask NamJoon for some help." Jungkook said.

"Okayy well I have to go, byee see you later." Jimin said as he was heading for the door.

"So I get no kiss goodbye?" Jungkook said with his arms out.

Jimin turned around, ran into Jungkooks arms and gave him a big kiss. After he left the room and was off to class.


"Hey I need you after class, you busy?"

"What time you get out of class?"

"Not really sure, I'll text you when I get out."

"Okay, what for though."

"Jimin is moving in with me and I need your help  bringing his stuff to my room."

"Why can't he help you?"

"Because he has classes and today is the only day we can do this."

"Okay let me know when you get out of class."


One to three hours later Jungkook was out of class and was heading to Jimin's dorm room because that's were he was meeting NamJoon at.

When he got there he was greated by NamJoon. "Ready to get started?" NamJoon asked.

"Yea let's try to get this done as soon as possible, I'm so tired And I have to study." Jungkook said.

"Alrighty." NamJoon replied back.

It took an hour and a half for the two boys to pack and bring Jimin stuff to Jungkooks room.

"Thanks for the help." Jungkook said as he walked NamJoon to the door.

"Anytime man, good luck with studying." Namjoon said before he left.

When NamJoon left Jungkook gathered all of Jimin's things and put it to one side of the room, he didn't know how Jimin wanted to set up his stuff so he just left it.

Since Jungkook had a really important test next week he decided to start studying now so he won't fail.

Jimin pov

When Jimin was finally done with class he went straight to the cafe to go get some food because he hasn't eaten all day.

On his way there he called Jungkook to check up on him and to see if he was hungry, but when he called his phone it went straight to voice mail.

Hmm strange. Jimin thought to himself. As he tiref to call agin but still got no answer. Welp I'll get him food  anyways.

On his way there Jimin tried calling him one more time just to see if he would pick up, but still got no answer.

"Jungkookie?" Jimin said as he knocked on the room door.

No answer...

"Jungkookie!" Jimin shouted this time a little worried.

"Ah Jimine why are you shouting?" Jungkook said with his eyes barley open as he opend the door.

"I was starting to get worried, you were not answering your phone." Jimin said as he placed the food on a table.

"Sorry my phone is dead and I fell asleep." Jungkook said as he cleaned up his books.

"I can see that. Jimin chuckled as he took the food out of the bag.

"What's that?" Jungkook asked.

"I didn't know if you were hungry or not so I got us a sandwich with a drink." Jimin smiled.

"Thanks." Jungkook said with a huge grin on his face.

"Kookie do you know why there are no classes for next week?"

"Because they are letting students go home and visit their families."

"Oh, are you going?"

"No I have a test one of the days next week."

"So how come you don't re-schedule it?"

"Because I don"t have a family to visit and I want to get the test  over with."

"Kookie I understand you don't like your dad's family but why don't you visit your mom?"

"She's on a business trips, I don't know when she'll be back.


"How about you, are you going to visit your family? You don't really talk about them like that."

"Well my dad and I don't really have a relationship anymore and I'm going to visit my mom."

"If you don't mind me asking, why don't you have a relationship with your dad?"

"He hates me because I'm gay."

"I'm sorry to hear that Jimine."

"I stoped caring a long time ago, no need to be sorry." Jimin said with a smile before he took another bite out of his sandwich.

Sorry for this boring/crappy ass chapter... I really don't like the way this chapter came out but I felt like I haven't posted in forever, so let me know what you guys thinkk. But we are so close to 1,000 reads😄😄
I don't think you guys understand how shocked and happy I am!
Thank you guys so much for reading my book it really means a lot💗
Bye guyyss❤❤

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