Chapter 7

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Hermione glared at the tall, blonde man with the lopsided smile, standing in her office doorway.

Her heartbeat quickened for a second at his smile before she quieted it and maintained her steely gaze. "Draco. I'm assuming you saw the Prophet."

"Very good assumption Granger. I was wondering what you wanted to do about that."

"Do?" She raised an eyebrow.

He rolled his eyes in response. "Yes Granger, what should we do about the rumors."

Ginny cleared her throat and smiled. "Perhaps we could discuss this further over lunch? I've got two little ones to feed here." She put one hand on Teddy's head and one on her stomach.

"I'm sure Draco has better things to do--" Hermione started.

"Sounds good to me," Draco said interrupting her.

Harry picked up Teddy and started out the door behind Draco.

Ginny grabbed her bag and looped her arm through Hermione's. "Why are you trying to make him leave 'Mione?" she hissed in Hermione's ear. "I thought you were glad to have him back in your life."

"I am! Thanks for dinner yesterday by the way. But it's a little weird hanging out with him with you, Harry and Teddy, no offense. It feels like we're dating or a double date." She shivered at the thought. "We're just friends."

Ginny nodded thoughtfully. "I see what you mean. Oh shush here comes Harry."

"Teddy wants you Hermione." He put Teddy on the ground before turning back to Draco. They were having a heated discussion about quidditch.

Teddy slipped his hand into Hermione's and smiled up at her. "I'm so glad you're coming to lunch Aunt 'Mione. Now you and Mr. Malfoy can take me for ice cream like you promised."

Draco turned around and smirked at the mention of his name. They all walked into the lift.

"Teddy dear, Aunt 'Mione can't take you for ice cream today," Ginny said looking at Hermione pointedly. "As a matter of fact, I just remembered Gramma Weasley wanted us to come by for lunch today."

Harry looked at her confusedly. "We were supposed to go to the burrow today? When did we--" He trailed off when he saw the look Ginny was giving him. "Oh yes now I remember. Sorry Hermione can we do lunch later this week?"

"Sure Harry," she replied, amused at the exchange between Harry and Ginny. Draco had either not noticed or chosen to ignore them. Teddy was tugging on Draco's sleeve trying to get his attention and Draco was standing stock still trying to ignore him.

They exited the lift and Ginny hugged Hermione and whispered into her ear, "I'll stop by yours later."

Harry and Ginny walked toward the fireplaces, each holding one of Teddy's hands. Teddy turned around and yelled back to Hermione and Draco, "You have to take me for ice cream! Don't forget!"

Draco laughed before rounding on Hermione. "So where do you want to get lunch?"

She blinked up at him.

"Hello?" He waved his hand in front of her face. "Earth to Hermy."

She snapped out of her trance at that horrid nickname. "What? We're still going to lunch?"

He frowned. "Do you not want to eat with me?"

"Oh no! It's not that, I just figured you had things to do."

"Let's go eat Herms," he said shaking his head with a grin.

They settled on a muggle restaurant in an attempt to avoid the reporters they encountered when they were leaving the ministry. It was mildly successful but there were still two reporters from Witch Weekly taking photos of them. The attention prompted several muggles to ask them for their autographs. It was quite amusing to the pair as there was no way for the muggles to understand why they were famous.

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