Chapter 16

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You gather chairs from around the house for the meeting. The four members, Rick, Daryl, Michonne, and now you, all have opinions. Daryl and Michonne's are apparent, but maybe Rick and you will decide something different. 

After getting the chairs around that table, you clear the table off. Papers and paper plates mount the top. As you peel a news paper off a can appears. You throw the paper in the trash and pick up the can. Its the pumpkin filling. You chuckle and walk off to go get the people. 

Rick is in the living room with Daryl. You see that theyre talking about something. They look at you and quiet down as you walk off. The bathroom to the left is open, along with the other three following doors. Jessica's room was closed. You could here her laugh and screaming, something that you havent heard in a long time. 

You smile at the thought of her smile. her laughing and running around like when you two would play in the yard. The warm summer sun is shining down and the cool sprinkles of water rush over you. Jessica is running in front of you, running from the big sister kisses. You laugh hard as she runs through the sprinkler as if that will get rid of you. Her little pink bathing suit is the last thing that you see before youre blinded by water. You blink a couple times to clear your vision then look around the yard to find your sister. Her coral swim suit stands out from behind the white rose bush. Sprinting towards the bush, you barely catch her before she runs out from behind the bush, letting out bursts of excitement. 

"Sissy are you okay?" 

You jump back, looking down at Jessica. 

"I-I'm okay." You say pulling her into a hug.

You look up to see Carl and Michonne looking at you with curious eyes. Maybe theyre, too, wondering where all these flash backs are coming from.

"Carl can you watch Jessica for a while? We have to talk with your dad and Daryl okay?" Michonne instructed. 

Carl nods and leads the little girl into the room. Michonne and you walk towards the kitchen. You start to think where the flash backs started. Before the gun fire they didn't exist, but after the accident, they came back in herds. 

Soon you realize that you have stopped in your tracks. You're standing in the middle of the living room with all eyes in you. Rick and Daryl have stood up and are glancing at you with a worried look. Michonne has an arm around your waist and a hand holding yours. A wet drop flows down your cheek, you're crying? 

Quickly, you wipe the tear frm your cheek and walk over to the table and sit down. Michonne and the guys follow you and sit down. They look at you and then at each other. 

"What is the problem?" Rick asks through squinted eyes. 

Daryl looks at Michonne, then at you, finally resting on Rick, "Do you think that the others are still alive?" 

Rick's eyes widen as he slides back to process the question. He thinks about it looking at the table top then up at you. You smiles then look down at the table, waiting for the responce like the others. 

"Well, I don't know. I think they are. Why?" Rick answers. 

"Michonne wants to go find them." Daryl spits. 

"I think we need to try." She says 

"So do I." You say, opening up a little. 

Maybe there are good things in this world, maybe those people will bring it. Jessica could use some friends, and so could you. This could be good. 

Daryl looks at you with bizarre eyes and then looks down at the table top. Rick is balancing the pros and cons of the trip. You can tell he's worried about Carl, but he might want to find out if his little girl is out there. If she is, that might be something that pushes him over. You look at Michonne who is smiling at you. You smile back and wrap your arm around hers to create a chain. 

"This is crazy!" Daryl says. 

You jump back, startled by the sudden noise. Michonne and Rick look at him confusingly. You sit back and look at him too. Daryl looks at you all and tries to persuade you to stay. You're not impressed, definitely not going to change your decision, and it seems like Michonne isn't budging either. 

"There are a lot of dangers," Rick says, looking at Michonne and you, "Jessica and Carl would be at risk." 

"But what about your daughter? She needs you. And the others, they're strong." You start. 

Rick looks down at the table again and then up at Daryl, "We- we don't even know if shes alive." 

"There's good opportunities Rick." Michonne pleads. 

Rick looks at you and Michonne, his eyes filled with hurt and dispare. 

You look at Michonne, tears start to welt in her eyes. Daryl has a satisfied look on his face, has Rick denied the trip? 

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