Chapter Three

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After the fireworks were done, me and Alli go back to my house.

Allison: Omg.. We should seriously get a house.
Me: We already have our houses.
Allison: No I mean ours. Like us have one where we both live in it.
Me: Wow.. Ummm. Ok. We can go look around some neighborhoods.

We drive to some neighborhoods and see many weird houses. But, we find the perfect one.



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Me: I guess this is it.

We went back home and I started to schedule an appointment to go and check the inside of the house. I heard scratching on the patio door. I sat there with no movement, just frozen. I go to check what was scratching on the door. I opened the door and didn't see anything or anybody. *great it's a ding dong ditcher* I hear scratching on the right side of me.

I see a little nugget looking puppy

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I see a little nugget looking puppy. I fell in LOVE! I brought him it in my house.

Me: Hey little puppy. Are you lost?

It looks at me with confusion.

Me: Do we need to find your owner?

I brought it to my room to play with it. It looks around my room and my walls. It looks at my posters.

Me: Yea that's my idol

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Me: Yea that's my idol.

It jumps off my bed and runs around the room. I noticed it doesn't have a collar on.

Me: I'll just keep you. What can go wrong? What should we name you? I'll name you Clifford:)

It's a cheesy name but why not? I feed it some dog food and some water. I get a phone call from Allison.

Allison: Dude, I got a call from Hollywood arts about Justin Bieber having a one and only meet and greet!

I went blank and I almost fainted. My heart was blasting out of my chest.


Allison: Ok chill! Brb.

Say on the floor trying to breathe. Looked like I was doing some yoga on the floor. I can't believe this is happening. This has to be a magical thing that's happening.

Allison: I got you in tomorrow at 3:55 pm. Good?

Me: Duh!

~10:46 pm~ *gos to sleep*

~2:57 pm~

I only have less than an hour to get there. I'll wear:

 I'll wear:

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I get into the car and start going. It takes 5 minutes to get there so I'm sure I'll be fine since I'm VIP. As I pulled up in the VIP parking, I saw Justin's tailor! I freaked. I got out of the car and got in the VIP line. I was the 6th one in line. I'm early. I saw Justin on the red carpet greeting fans. As time flew by I was the 3rd one in line. I was so nervous but I should be really excited. All I felt was just happiness and I was confused. How did this even happen. How is this a miracle.
Alright... it's my turn. As I walk slowly and confidently towards him, I had a smile on my face and my heart beating out of my chest. He had a big smile on his face. I gave him a huge hug.

Justin: Awww your so pretty! How old are you?
Me: I'm 18.
Justin: I love you!

I told him how much I love him and I told him how I felt for him. I had lots to say in little time. I didn't get to finish.

Justin: You should have something!

He gave me a purple hat. His purple from his 2010 concerts! I'm freaking...out... o.m.g. I had tears everywhere on my face.

Justin: I love how you explained your feelings for me. I appreciate how long you have supported me and I'm so grateful for you in my life!
Me: I love you😭❤️

He gave me one last hug. I walk away with loads of tears. But something was telling me, someday in the future, this moment will come again. Just hope for the best. I was holding his hat like it was my whole entire world.

Me: Yo Allison. I legitimately have Justin's hat. His 2010 world tour hat. THE ORIGINALLLLL.
Allison: OMG WHAT THE FFFFFUUUUUKKKKKK! Dude  you luckyyyy!

~5:34 pm~

I got home and laid on the couch dieng with happiness. I never knew this would ever happen to a normal girl like me. 7 billion people in this world. 90 million beliebers. And he gave the original hat to me. I fell asleep with a smile on my face and the hat in my arms. 💓


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