Chapter 5

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Logan looked at me with sparkly eyes.

Me: I wasn't lying. ❤️ Ily to.

I got closer to him and hugged him for atleast one minute.

Logan: Will you go out with me?
Me: Yes.

Logan drives me back home.

Logan: You have a good time tonight?
Me: Well duh. Did you?
Logan: I think I did 😉 Ly

I walk inside, not at all expecting this. But I really do love Logan. Justin is always in my heart, and he will always be number one. It's not like I will ever have the chance with him anyways. I try to lay in my bed and fall asleep.

But then I get that message

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But then I get that message. It made me feel more calm and safe. I closed my eyes thinking about tonight. Then I drifted off.

•12:26 pm•

I woke up to many notifications.

I woke up to many notifications

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Guess I'm seeing him today. I decide to go to the library to just read for a little. I walk through the isles for a book that looks decent to read. A kid with blond hair looked confused about what he was looking at. He was looking up as if he couldn't reach something.

Me: Hey little fella you need help?
Boy: Yes please
Me: Here ya go. Jaxon?
Jaxon: Yea thanks

He runs away with a smile on his face. What in the hell just happened. I spend two hours reading. Smh. I drive back home to get ready to see Logan. I wanted to wear something just casual.

 I wanted to wear something just casual

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My hair looked shitty but oh well

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My hair looked shitty but oh well. I meet Logan at a dog park.

Logan: Hey.
Me: Hey :)

As Logan was about to speak, a dog ran up to us and laid by our feet looking like it was lost.

Me: We have to take it back to my house

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Me: We have to take it back to my house. It's lost.

Logan drove us back to my place.

Me: Where should I put him? On the couch?
Logan: Yea. I think that's best.

I give him some water and some dog food. I had dog food from the other dog that was lost and that I found on my porch.

Logan: Wanna watch some Netflix?
Me: Sure💗

In the next 30 minutes my eyes close slowly and I drift off on him.

Logan: Melah! Is that you?
Me: Huh what?

He pointed at the tv. It was the meet and greet with Justin. It showed me in the little part of it. Of me walking with the purple hat.

Me: Ummmmm yep. 😂😂
Logan: Damn. Didn't know you would be on tv. My famous bby😂❤️
Me: Hahahaha. That's why ily.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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