Chapter Four

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          Chapter 4

After the sun goes down, I take a piece of chalk and make a tally mark on the concrete wall, "Day one. Down." 

I see Kenzie walking back to our holding cell, "Geez. The boys haven't come for you yet? They really must not love you." 

"Thanks," Olivia says, "I'm getting married soon. That's very helpful advice."

"Ohhh. Sorry. Didn't mean to rain on your parade." she looks sad.

"So? Where's the boyfriend?" I ask.

"At the hotel," Kenzie says, "I just came back to see if you guys were here. I've come to bail you out!" She thrusts her fist in the air.

"Thanks. Since we've been here all day, I'm pretty sure the boys will never come for us." I sigh. 

Suddenly, Harry bursts through the doors, "Hello Loves!" he yells, "I have returned!"

"Um," I start, "A little too late." 

The rest of the guys walk in behind him. Louis' face is red, and his eyes are puffy, "I saw her." 

"Awh, Louis. I'm sorry," I say, "But I'm still not happy about being here all day." I stand, and glare at them.

"Livy, I'm sorry," Liam says, "Please forgive me. I tried to make them come, but they took my keys."

"Yeah right," Kenzie says, "But hi again."

"KENZIE!" Niall yells, "You're here!"

"Niall," Harry says, "Why are you so enthusiastic?" we exchange a glance. 

"Well," Niall starts. He looks down at the ground, "No reason." 

Kenzie blushes. I say, "Hello? Are we EVER gonna get out of here!? I've been here all day. And no one has come to get me."

"You guys," Kenzie says, "She means it."

"I'm here for you!" Zayn says. He steps forward, but Harry puts his arm out.

"But Zayn, if she's this mad, then I think it would be a good idea to leave her here until she cools down." he winks at me. 

Kenzie steps forward, "Okay. So OBVIOUSLY, you guys are neglecting the fact that they are in a JAIL CELL. So I will graciously come through for them, and bail yet ANOTHER person out today."

"No, don't waste time on that, love," Niall says, "I got it." 

"Wait," Harry says, "I thought we were leaving them here." 

Louis takes Harry by the shoulders, "Come on, Hazza. I think you guys will be going home in separate cars." Louis and Harry walk outside. Louis is still sniffing.

Kenzie walks to the desk, and tells the cop that she'd like to bail us out, and Niall goes with her. They come back with the key.

"Thank you," I say, "We're FREE!!!!!" I walk out of the cell, and Zayn opens his arms to me. I hug him back and say, "Thanks for," and pull away and punch him in the chest, "FINALLY coming to get me." I glare at him. 

He chuckles, "Sorry Soph. Can we just go home now?" I look at Olivia and Liam and nod.

"Okay." I say. Zayn offers me his hand, but I ignore it. We follow Livy and Liam outside, and Liam goes with Olivia and the rest of the guys in the other car. Zayn takes his keys out and walks me over to his black Bentley. He opens the door for me, and I sit in the passenger seat with Zayn behind the wheel, and check my phone. Olivia and Liam decided to go with Harry and Louis. 

There are a bunch of texts and voicemails from Sameenah. I listen to each one. She was calling all day, trying to figure out where I was.

"Who're you callin'?" Zayn asks. 

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